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Joined: Aug 11, 2014
Topics: 4 / Replies: 45
Montge Buying Advice Please

I have the HS7. I'm very happy with them and their Bass.

7 years ago
More basic stuff - FM-X

Rod wrote: Hello Robin - nice of you to take an interest. I have a million questions, but articulating them sensibly is the problem! For example, I...

8 years ago
More basic stuff - FM-X

Rod wrote: Hello Robin - sorry! I missed the significance of your 'levels' - a simple matter of banging all the sliders to maximum, and then adjust...

8 years ago
More basic stuff - FM-X

I came up with even more things for you to try out. Velocity: In a basic modulator>Carrier arrangement. Adjust the Velocity sensitivity, for the m...

8 years ago
More basic stuff - FM-X

Rod wrote: Hello Robin - and a big Thank you for the trouble you have taken to condense a complex subject so concisely! I'm sure you'll have a lot ...

8 years ago
More basic stuff - FM-X

Rod wrote: Hello Robin - thank you for the pointers, and yes, I have had a go at just the thing you describe - but the yawning chasm between 2 oper...

8 years ago
More basic stuff - FM-X

Personally I would track down the Principles of FM synthesis first. If you know how you can make Vibrato with help of an Oscillator and an LFO, you...

8 years ago
NAMM 2017 News?

There's nothing preventing someone from coming up with a software solution that shares similar properties as suggested (keeping the same "settings" fr...

8 years ago
NAMM 2017 News?

I'm familiar with the DX7 programmer, though it's so huge, I think my arms would fall off. Though I agree it's a lot of parameters. But it is possib...

8 years ago

The most important things for a music computer. Futureproofing: Make sure you get a computer that will last for a while, this will save you money i...

8 years ago
NAMM 2017 News?

To me hands on has nothing to do with the overview. It's the imediate access to a parameter. DX7 used category buttons to access parameters, while Mon...

8 years ago
NAMM 2017 News?

Eyal wrote: Robin, The Montage is a real hands on FM(-X) synth. everything is available to you via touchscreen and encoders. there was never a...

8 years ago
NAMM 2017 News?

Jason wrote: @Robin: I was referring to the link provided. Not sure why it continues to be cited as if it is a rumor of what is to come. It was j...

8 years ago
NAMM 2017 News?

There's been many Namm's between Motif XF and Montage as well. Yet, something did happen. But Actually, we knew about the Montage name long before ...

8 years ago

I've tried the Montage in store several times and made a few FM-X sounds. it's a truly awesome instrument. For me it's all about the FM synthesis, whi...

8 years ago
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