As I told you, one of the reasons why I am so attached to Yamaha's products is your passion and patience. Thank you very much. I will use your advi...
Bad Mister, you are always the greatest. Thanks for your passion and patience. Indeed you are one of the reasons why I am so attached to Yamaha's...
Some progress. If I use DX or CS one at the time, I still can't read the word DX or CS next to sync, but I can save my sounds and sync the keyboard w...
yes, here's my screenshot. I have a CP88, MOXF6, Reface Cs, Reface DX all connected to the pc. If I unplug the CS, click create, I see this page, wh...
me too, having the same exact issue. On Reface CS and DX. I have the green button on connected, but no one of the keyboard appera and I can't sync. ...
Great BadMister, thanks for everything you do for us