How do you change samples from mono to stereo?
I'm getting illegal file after minutes of loading, x3a files almost near the end of loading. Then some x3a files load but the samples don't sound in ...
I've got Jamal's Flash in X6A format, this is also reading as an illegal file
I think i've figured that out now, however some of the performances loaded from .x3a files are silent, the waveform is working if imported into anothe...
I've managed to save a x8a backup file, ive loaded this into melas then removed the waveforms I don't need. However when i load the resaved x8a into ...
I'm having trouble loading the file, it spends a few minutes loading then comes up with the error message "Illegal File" the person who converted it h...
I've managed to get my MOX X4A file converted to a X6A file, whats the best way to import this to MODX? Currently when I perform live I use my MOX i...