if you're not going to fix SOUNDMONDO, at least give us the ability to share files manually.
As of June 7, 2021 still cannot get SYNC to work with SOUNDMONDO. 3 different browsers, uninstalled/reinstalled driver, rebooted, checked MIDI sett...
This used to work but is apparently trash now. Uninstalled the driver and reinstalled driver, rebooted, checked MIDI settings about 10 times, 3 dif...
Jason, Done. I PM'd you in the IdeaScale.
Jason, Thanks for the reply. I guess part of the problem for me is, I'm still such a novice with the MODX that most of what Bad Mister posted is...
If you push a quick setup button (template) like "Standalone" - this resets the FS Assign CC number. If you load a user file (X8U or X7U) - these fil...