Active Member
Joined: Feb 3, 2016
Topics: 8 / Replies: 44
v1.20 - Setting the receive channel of each part - Not possible by design?

But doesn't the "SINGLE" MIDI mode (using just one channel for all parts) prove that assigning multiple parts to one channel is possible in principle?...

8 years ago
v1.20 - Setting the receive channel of each part - Not possible by design?

Thank you Blake for your explanations. Your layout of workflow makes sense to me - sounds like a legitimate way to get a project done with Montage. ...

8 years ago
v1.20 - Setting the receive channel of each part - Not possible by design?

Thinking about it again, I guess the whole case is quite complex, that's probably why we have the present, not fully satisfactory implementation. You'...

8 years ago
v1.20 - Setting the receive channel of each part - Not possible by design?

I am also interested in this topic. While I do think the 1.20 upgrade contains important fixes & enhancements which increase my personal “want have”...

8 years ago
Filter stepping - please implement interpolation

I have a MOXF8. Filter stepping is definitely there when using the CUTOFF knob. This has also been mentioned in some reviews and in the internet. HOWE...

9 years ago
Editing / creating Arpeggio´s - Is it possible?

Okay I'll be patient then. Playing my MOXF and waiting for some Montage updates, and software which might come out, and (hopefully) a healthy price dr...

9 years ago
Editing / creating Arpeggio´s - Is it possible?

I second that! A nice and intuitive functionality for creating user arps (which should also be capable of editing existing arps & saving them to user ...

9 years ago
Latency on certain sounds

@ David what I read is that Montage features a new tone generator, the SWP70, which uses a different kind of flash memory than the older SWP51 found i...

9 years ago
Latency on certain sounds

@ David, as far as I understood, flash write speed has been improved in Montage. That does not necessarily mean flash read speed has also been improve...

9 years ago
Music Production with Montage & DAW

Thank you BM that was helpful. I think I got the overall idea of Montage now: - on the one hand, you can use it as a 16-times multitimbral instrum...

9 years ago
motion sequences as workaround for pattern-like recording?

@ Markus I think you have to accept that, unlike Motif, Montage IS NOT a standalone production tool. You have to use it with a DAW. You don't have to ...

9 years ago
can we expect to reach the quality of kronos strings ?

If you really need convincing strings, probably a dedicated software library (featuring several 100 GB of samples) like VSL would be the way to go, ra...

9 years ago
Montage the power of the Memory

To be fair, Nord or Kurzweil offer even less than 1.75GB as far as I know. Kronos, of course, is different (but I think it is effectively a PC built i...

9 years ago
user arp fiasco

BM you're probably right that creating user arps is something you don't do every day. With my MOXF I created only a few in the last 2 years or so. So ...

9 years ago
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