Last seen: Mar 24, 2025
Save your changes after you make modifications. I hope there is an update for the patch in the future that removes this problem. Don't hold yo...
As far as I know there has never been much, if any, visibility into the WHY of Yamaha's decisions. The Yamaha designers intended the speed to be c...
Not sure what you mean by 'way forward'. Contacting Yamaha support isn't the way forward. Yamaha, the manufacturer, is the ONLY one that can p...
Yamaha support responded to our email with this: Toby, What you describe is designed behaviour. To directly control the rotary speed you will ...
You may want to contact a service center and have your instrument looked at. You can also use the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom right of this page a...
Do a test run to make sure the 'Divide Drum Track' splits things up the way you need them. These are the main things to be aware of: 1. If you hav...
Montage M 68 of 121 IdeaScale Assessment stage submissions. That should be a good sign that they are at least looking at things. On the up side Be...
Please post the Midi Remote Script. You didn't mention what is in that script.
Just save the performance BEFORE dividing the drum track. The article says: A new Performance is created when you use this Job because it create...
Just save the performance BEFORE dividing the drum track.
No 'Part Zone' to be OFF on an M! If Part Zone is off, you don't get to set anything. The zone note range settings are unavailable as well as an...
No 'ZONE' or 'INT SW' on the M8X (M6/M7?). Just to emphasize - the 'Raison d'etre' for this thread/discussion is solely related to issues related to...
No urgency/need to test classic Montage - at least not for our benefit. We are just posing the question about classic to clarify for any readers that ...
Element level note limits don't address the problem. And no matter how the note limits were set you could always use element level limits to get y...