Does the FC3A only work as a 'full sustain' pedal (like the FC4 pedal) with the S700 for XS and Power Grand sounds from the CP1 library - unless you m...
So...I have had a play with the John Melas Waveform appears to be much more suited to editing waveforms (hence the name I guess) as oppo...
...the Melas software deals with the compilation of Arpeggios in the Waveform Editor (also very useful in making and organizing your data, particularl...
Hey Bad Mister, thanks again! Yeah, I know I'll need a flash board in the MOXF to load the "M1" data, plus a bunch of other stuff I've got ready t...
I've downloaded and installed the John Melas Total Librarian program as I read about it on the "Frankenstein S700 Piano" thread. This looks very co...
Thanks again Bad Mister! Yes, I'd seen the CP80 library on the YamahaMusicSoft site. I might check that out at some point too 🙂 I guess being ...
The document linked to in my last reply explains how to load banks (or individual voices) into your MOFX8. I'm looking to do the same thing as you - h...
44.1kHz is what the internal waveforms are sampled at? I would have guessed lower, given that the onboard memory is lower than the flash but I shall d...
That's great Bad Mister, thank you! So when I go to load the .X4G file from the Vintage Keys library, I will navigate to an empty Arpeggio location to...
Thanks Bad Mister. I already had all the docs downloaded 🙂 However, I'm still not clear about what happens when you load an arpeggio. The own...
The CP1 piano sounds will use 16 of the available user voices if you load them all. The Inspiration In A Flash will consume all three user banks. ...