I'm not going to continue to "argue" with the previous poster, but I did encounter something today that I do hope that Yamaha pays attention to. Whil...
Sladjan, This thread has been going on for over a year and a half. I wrote it for people to write their opinions on the direction Yamaha took, t...
Hi Sladjan, Thank you for taking your time out to give your thoughts as well as all of the others that have joined this thread. Of course instru...
I am pleased that the community continues to discuss this. If Yamaha doesn't receive our feedback, they have nothing to go on from the people "out in...
Hmmm, so resample, interesting. This is something I would be interested in doing and would appreciate your assistance in setting this up. Synthesi...
Download a copy from this site the Yamaha Motif XF Reference Manual. Start reading on page 234 (File Management) and you will learn everything you ...
Thank you. I assumed it could be done since the Motif XF is so incredible. The instrument is so vast I missed that in the reference manual. A...
I'm still amazed how the number of views that my thread continues to grow. Now at nearly 8,000 views! Wow! I guess there really are a lot of pe...
Has anyone ponied up the $99 for the Complete Orchestra library for the Motif XF? If so, how do you like it?
Thank you Christian for your reviews. I know all reviews are to individual taste, but it is nice to hear what people think of these libraries. Some ...
You are very generous to share your work with us. I know how much effort it takes to produce such a body of work. Thank you.