Hi From the screen Catalog you can view the dependencies of each performance: Title catalog In this screen you view, for exemple, perf ...
Hi If you import a perfomance you have the same waveform in user memory and library, but in this case this is what you want for creating a user mem...
Hi I don't understand all, but don't forget we have two splits for a part : 1: Edit > Part Select > Part Settings > General > Note Limit Zone l...
Hi I use Moxf8, Montage 6 and MFC10. I use the buttons of MFC10 to change scenes, arpeggios or Motion sequences, sending temporary Assign 1 and...
Hi This is why I add the screen 'Perf infos' in my soft to see the dependencies of a performance and I add these infos in the main screen of the c...
Hi What I try to say is: If you want to use an unused waveform or unused arpeggio from a library : just use it ! But if you want to import u...
Hi A user performance don't 'find' or 'lose' a 'connection' with a library waveform. In a performance you have a pointer to the waveform. This po...
Hi The Ribbon control the elemts level of part 4 and It is in Hold mode. If you don't like this behavior, edit the elements level , delete thi...
Hi To import unused waveforms from a library and then unmounted this library: 1) Backup your user memory (Utility > Contents > Store/Save > Con...
Hi Here is a new version with correction of severe bugs: br /> I also tried to make the dump procedure more consistent by managing retries on ch...
Ok Thank you