Last seen: Jul 28, 2024
mhhh, well no there´s not a one size fits all solution, but if a person knows nothing about the Montage and tries it out at the store and presses "fin...
sure, once you know how to change it it´s not that difficult. but I am just wondering why they programmed it to sound wrong by default. what if you´re...
how come it´s only for win 10 while the normal sample robot is also for win 7? ridiculous. with all the issues win 10 users are having with cubase fro...
thank you Jason, I´ll have to go thru all of this on the weekend. Great graphics 🙂
thanks Bad MIster, not that I understand why, but this works
thank you but I really don´t understand much here. can we try a specific example? I want the pad choir (part 2) in "pearly gates" to be saved the way ...
ok, I see it now. 🙂
Thank you, I mistook "chosing a performance by name" in the number field with the number of a part. I was thinking about how can I chose a performance...
well, I don´t know what the programmers of Cubase were thinking but settings in that DAW are all over the place. Instead of everything being under "se...
I deleted the message cos I suddenly realized that I can overdub midi, which I never do yet but will from now on. that is the solution to the superkno...