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Joined: Nov 14, 2016
Topics: 5 / Replies: 26
Yamaha AN-X

[quotePost id=119386]I (thought I'd) heard that when you buy a Roland "X" Synth, you get some Synth Models included, but if you want others, you can't...

2 years ago
Yamaha AN-X

I looked at Roland's Jupiter X and Juno-X. I was tempted, but turned off with their scalping Software Subscription business model I have a Jupiter...

2 years ago
Yamaha AN-X

I'm waiting for XG-X. 🙂

3 years ago
Montage Vs new Fantom (2019)

Failed metaphor or not I'll just keep making music, happy with what I've got and not constantly asking for more. My point is I got what I paid for ...

4 years ago
Montage Vs new Fantom (2019)

I'm happy with both my Montage 6 and my Fantom 7. Are they both perfect? No but I don't expect every instrument I buy to have exactly the same fea...

4 years ago
New "DX7" please.

Totally agreed. I suppose what I'm asking for is a way of "democratising" FM-X by putting it in something relatively less expensive. Yes the MOD...

4 years ago
New "DX7" please.

Personally, I have doubts that there is a big market for what the OP describes, which sounds like basically a Montage with the AWM2 engine removed. ...

4 years ago
Replies: 24
Views: 2396
IMPORTANT for many of us

Montage doesn't have Firewire.

4 years ago
Montage Vs new Fantom (2019)

Totally agree there... The "problem" comes when you look at the Fantom's aesthetics, UI, work-flow, power, etc - all of which are better. Fortun...

4 years ago
Montage Vs new Fantom (2019)

The most important thing for any istrument; the Montage sounds better!

4 years ago
Montage Vs new Fantom (2019)

Attempting to use the Kronos is like doing Trigonometry, I understand the need for sophistication but all of the needless complexity is a mood and a c...

5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 2278
OS v.2.5 - New "cheatlist" of MIDI Bank Select & Program Changes REQUIRED

Pablo. This is a peer support forum full of lots of helpful tips and advice. No-one is obliged to help you with anything and yet they continue t...

7 years ago
Is it dumb to own a Montage and not use Cubase as your DAW?

Montage works great with Sonar here although Cakewalk going out of business may mean I'll need to change DAW at some point. However I have thousand...

7 years ago
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