Here is the download for PLG150-AN Expert Editor for Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP: It apparently runs fine on Windows 7, at least.
If you have an iPad which supports the Apple Pencil, StaffPad seems worth a look. I haven't used it myself, and it's pricey at $90, but it is capable ...
It is possible to treat the app as a PART within the Motion Control Synthesis Engine by routing the audio from the iPad to the MODX A/D Input. Isn't ...
It sounds like you've accidentally changed the output for those two tracks. If the output is set to anything other than L&R or L&R(dr) then the corres...
The original music from this video is now available on SoundCloud.
Added to IdeaScale: There is also a related previous idea:
I’m not sure why Jason You mean Ricardo? I've expressed zero issues with MX.Actually Gordon Reid. His complaints appear in the excerpt from Sound On...
In Synthesia's settings, under "Advanced" make sure that "Instrument Change Messages" is turned on. You can also try turning on "Bank Select Messages"...
I think some wires got crossed there @Jason -- Yotam asked about Montage and not MODX.
I believe there is a significant error in Yamaha's instructions. As best as I can tell, the Motif ES Voice Editor can not open files in .W7A or .W7V f...
Excellent! Happy to help.
Might be something worth opening in ideascale - more flexible system audio routing using the Yamaha Steinberg USB driver. I went ahead and created th...
In case it is illustrative of unexpected behavior (in the eyes of the site designers/maintainers), here is an image of this page as I see it now: in t...