With it’s FM engine, expressiveness and polyphony, the DX7 was the synthesizer of the 1980s. Programming the DX7 could be challenging and when it came to realtime control…Well, there were not a lot of physical controls on the membrane switch-laden front panel.
That is what makes the DTronics DT7 controller so appealing. The DT7 provides knobs for literally every parameter of the DX7! It adds a level of control that is incredible! For those who have a reface DX, DTronics makes a smaller controller called the DT-RDX. Check out Ulf Kaiser’s demo of that
here after you check out the demonstration of the DT7 from Vimeo by Florian Anwander:
DTRONICS DT7 with DX7 first try from Florian Anwander on Vimeo.
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