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YC88?? Really Yamaha?!

17 Posts
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Natural wood? Triple sensor? More effects? More sounds? Why Yamaha?! Why did it have to be 88 as well? At least you could have kept the 88 exclusive to the CP. Now each one of us is wondering why did we buy our CP88!
At least give us a decent organ sound in an OS update!
I’m so disappointed πŸ™

Posted : 15/01/2021 1:32 pm
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Hello Khalid, i agree with you and do not understand this marketing strategy at all.

i own a CP88 and a YC61 and now i feel comletely ripped off.I would have preferred to buy a YC73 from the start.
I appreciate the keybed of the CP88 and especially wanted it as a piano but now Yamaha has made me feel like i have an old version of it.
Should i now again take some money in my hand and sell the YC61 on ebay below price and then buy a YC73.

I feel like a rabbit in the laboratory with this strategy, maybe Yamaha has now reinvented marketing?

I think in the future i will have to wait a year or two before i buy something that is mature...

I am very dissapointed !!!

Posted : 15/01/2021 4:54 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

CP88 is not equivalent to the YC73. That would be a difference in the keybed if you like the CP88. You'd have to go full YC88 to get triple sensor and the "same" feel. Although if you like the Montage 8's feel (and I really do) and don't mind losing triple sensor - then the YC73 does make a lot of sense. It also makes a lot of sense as a pair to the MODX6 or Montage 6. Giving the "same" keys as a Montage 8 without the extra weight of all 88 keys.

I mean - a Montage 8 is 64 lbs. and the YC73 is 29 lbs. So it is a great way to get that keybed with "enough" keys to cover the piano (YMMV) and retain the feel of a Montage 8 without breaking your back as much.

The CP73 weighs 29 lbs too - so it would have already been a way to get that same combination since the CP73 shares the "BHS" keybed. I'm not sure if the YC version is "newly-newly designed" (one more newly than the CP73) - but I would suspect it's the "same" if not identical.

If you now want a YC73 - why didn't you go for the CP73 before? If there's anything you didn't like about the feel of the CP73 - you may want to reconsider moving to the YC88.

Edited to correct typos.

Posted : 15/01/2021 9:04 pm
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Hello Jason.. I didn’t say anything about the CP73 nor the montage! In fact I think Yamaha completely killed the CP73 now, but anyhow. My point is the CP88. Why in the world would Yamaha release a keyboard that completely has everything that the CP88 does have and everything that it doesn’t?! I mean come on! The only weak thing in the CP88 was it’s organ sounds. I for example went for the CP88 because of the piano sounds, the user interface and the keybed action. But I had to come up with solutions to overcome the lousy organs that it had by combining it with iPad Hammond B3-X for example. So what does Yamaha do? They release what was meant to be a 61 keys dedicated organ focused keyboard in an 88 key version with exactly the same specs of the CP88?! I feel really disappointed now to be honest for buying the CP88, which will now be impossible to sell specially in my country. Yamaha are really being desperate in perusing Nord’s market ground to the point that they don’t care about the people who have invested a lot of money in their product. You buy a CP88 because you believe that offers the best piano/keyboard experience to your taste, not to find out that Yamaha decided after 2 years to completely kill it with a new keyboard that has everything that it has and everything that it didn’t. Really really disappointed ?

Posted : 15/01/2021 9:48 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member


Other posts have come in since you posted. I was responding to the message just previous to my post.


i own a CP88 and a YC61 ...
I would have preferred to buy a YC73 from the start ...
I appreciate the keybed of the CP88 and especially wanted it as a piano

And it was these three statements together - of Jens - that I was addressing since going YC63 from the start would have Jens miss out on the CP88's NW keybed that is so appreciated.

I can't answer why companies do what they do. I gather that was rhetorical. And you certainly have a right to an opinion about it.

Posted : 15/01/2021 9:57 pm
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New Member

I totally agree with Khalid and Jens. This is a real slap in the face of CP88/73 buyers. Who would buy one of these keyboards now? Maybe Yamaha doesn't care if they sell any more of them, but I just saw the value of my investment plummet. I will think carefully about that before buying any more Yamaha keyboards.

Posted : 15/01/2021 10:21 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

There are Montage owners who didn't need the extras and felt a sinking feeling when MODX came out at a cheaper price and lighter weight with much overlap in features. I think if you see something good come out and it fits your needs - and you have to have something - this is always the risk. If it isn't an immediate need - give the new products some time to soak and the product-line some time to breathe (get other follow-on models out) before purchasing.

That said - that buyer's remorse sets in with these conditions is understandable. This seems like just normal release realities so I have a difficult time singling out Yamaha as some bad actor in this. Probably the general consensus is more along the lines of - if Yamaha would have just said "Coming Soon ... YC73, YC88" when the YC61 was released then this would have made the customers happier.

That secrecy is a (company) cultural thing - and complaining and/or abandoning Yamaha (and buying something else) is one way to voice an opinion on that culture. Slowly it may change if the message gets through. May ...

Posted : 15/01/2021 10:33 pm
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As I have said on some of the Facebook pages, it looks as though some of the voices are exclusive to the CP as are the YC. Yes there is much more to be had on the YC but for example I don't see the Nashville or the CFX3 listed in the YC manual. Having said that, this makes me think us CP users will see another update (more voices) this coming Sunday or Monday as it's NAMM week.
As far as the investment argument. Well, if you understand these companies they typically do a replacement every two - three years and we are at that point with the CP88 so I am not a bit surprised. However, if your main goal for buying the piano was just as an investment well, you're investing in the wrong type of product. Many synths and pianos don't hold their value these days unless it's "vintage" especially in the digital world.
There's no need to panic or feel like you've been screwed by Yamaha. If you NEED an organ that bad go out and get yourself an organ module or...sell your CP88 for at least five hundred less and just bite the bullet, count your losses and get your new YC.
If they had changed the action provided more features I would totally be up in arms here. I bought the CP88 for it's "piano" sounds and if I got more out of it (which I have with three updates and possibly a fourth) with some added voices here and there.....and some better piano sounds.....awesome. I for one don't care for the organ "thing" but that's just me. It depends on your priorities.
Plus.....mine is paid for...I don't have to worry about selling it...losing money and by the looks of it gained some more piano sounds that are unique to the CP88.
Remember folks, these things switch on a yearly basis. No different from cars, computers etc's the name of the game.
At the end of the day...just play your piano and be happy with what you have. It's still an amazing piano and I am very very happy with it I know I am confidant NOT to get sucked in and sell mine.....which I suspect most people will do. That's not getting your monies worth in my eyes.
Good Luck Folks...keep rockin and I will talk to you soon.

Posted : 15/01/2021 11:00 pm
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I think main difference with CP88 is price: YC88 is $500 more in Sweetwater (that's plus taxes!). So if you do not need a dedicated organ section then you can save $500 and youΒ΄d still have organ sounds available.

I understand how some may feel buyers remorse, but in the end you took a decision with the information available at the time. I personally was debating between a CP88 and the MODX8 but after trying them side by side I decided to go for a MODX6 and save up to the CP88 because I just loved the keybed, but I needed the MODX flexibility. In the end I think I'll be getting the YC88 this christmas 2021... I just need to save up and sell some stuff to make room.

Posted : 18/01/2021 3:05 pm
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New Member

... for example I don't see the Nashville or the CFX3 listed in the YC manual.

Sorry to be "that guy" but the Nashville and the CFX3 are now available for the YC line as part of the YC OS v1.1 update.

Posted : 04/02/2021 11:32 pm
Posts: 811
Prominent Member

I think if you see something good come out and it fits your needs - and you have to have something - this is always the risk. If it isn't an immediate need - give the new products some time to soak and the product-line some time to breathe (get other follow-on models out) before purchasing.

I think that's the key. If something new comes out and, in hindsight, you wish you had waited, well then that means you didn't really need that board when you purchased it. If you buy something you don't actually need yet, that's not Yamaha's fault. If you buy only when you need something, and you pick the thing that best fits that need at the time, sure, something better may come out later, but at least you still got something you needed when you needed it, and that has value, and you can't say you wish you'd have waited, because you wouldn't have had what you needed when you needed it.

All that said, if somone with a CP73/CP88 really wishes they had a better organ, they can take the $500 that they would have spent on the more expensive YC, and buy an iPad ($329), Lightning to USB 3 Camera Adapter ($39), B-3X software ($129) and a USB cable, and use the strong Master Keyboard functions of the CP to get great organ sounds you can easily select from the CP's front panel Live Set buttons, even splitting/layering them with the rest of the CP sounds. The CP's audio interface function means that you won't even have to run separate audio, the organ sound will be combined with the CP's regular audio outputs. (Bonus: the iPad gives you access to a bunch of other cool sound sources, too,)

Posted : 17/02/2021 8:07 pm
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New Member

Really good advice, thank you very much. I did note the relative paucity of organ sounds, but I really wanted the good piano sounds and my love of the keybed of the CP88 overrode any other objections. Also I needed a piano THEN and couldn't wait for a future unit. You gave a very nice suggestion!

Posted : 03/04/2021 1:52 am
Posts: 811
Prominent Member

Now each one of us is wondering why did we buy our CP88!

For anyone still wondering, as it turns out, the CP still has some significant advantages over the YC (besides being cheaper, of course). Discussed at

Posted : 22/04/2021 2:38 pm
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For someone who spends his time insulting Yamaha products all over the Piano world forums with his best friends Abdol and Doug; who for the record called this company a ''worthless disgrace that produces boards barely fit for the trash''. And also say you hold that opinion yourself.

Isn't it a bit laughable that you would then try and play apologist for them here? Go back to the insults 'Anotherscott'. Everyone has seen them by now and I've been sharing Abdol's commentary a fair amount as well..

Please ignore this two bit hypocrite. The only disgrace is him and his friend. If this post was anything more than mockery for his friends, I'd be surprised. They have an invested interest in slamming Yamaha and its instruments. Go and look up Abdol on Pianoworld for yourselves.

Posted : 25/10/2021 4:29 am
Posts: 1717
Member Admin

For someone who spends his time insulting Yamaha products all over the Piano world forums with his best friends Abdol and Doug; who for the record called this company a ''worthless disgrace that produces boards barely fit for the trash''. And also say you hold that opinion yourself.

Isn't it a bit laughable that you would then try and play apologist for them here? Go back to the insults 'Anotherscott'. Everyone has seen them by now and I've been sharing Abdol's commentary a fair amount as well..

Please ignore this two bit hypocrite. The only disgrace is him and his friend. If this post was anything more than mockery for his friends, I'd be surprised. They have an invested interest in slamming Yamaha and its instruments. Go and look up Abdol on Pianoworld for yourselves.

This makes an amazing amount of sense. I've been trolled, by this busy little git, and now see there's more than enough evidence above. Thank you, Alessia.

Posted : 25/10/2021 6:51 am
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