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FS1R & DX7 MKII FD Sysex

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I hope I'm posting this is the right place. I was wondering if anyone could help? I'm struggling to get to grips with the sysex strings for the FS1R and DX7 mkII FD synths. Does anyone have an example of an example string for either or both synths. Any parameter in either binary or hex is fine.

Thank you

Posted : 12/02/2023 6:13 pm
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New Member Guest

I hope I'm posting this is the right place.

This is the right place

I'm struggling to get to grips with the sysex strings for the FS1R and DX7 mkII FD synths. Does anyone have an example of an example string for either or both synths. Any parameter in either binary or hex is fine.

I'm familiar, and use, SysEx but not on those instruments.

The FIRST place to look for the specifics is the Data List docs for those instruments.

For FS1R this is the page

Just change the drop down to find the docs for the others.

What specifically are you wanting to do? Data dumps (exports)? Set parameters?

Page 37 of the FS1R Data List doc shows the format for SysEx commands:

3. System Exclusive Message
3.1 Parameter Change and Parameter Request
FS1R transmits and receives its native parameter changes. FS1R also receives requests for
parameter changes for corresponding parameters, when "Receive System Exclusive = on" is set
and Device Number contained in System Exclusive massages matches the FS1R Device Number
setting. On reception of a request, FS1R transmits out the requested parameter.
FS1R receives a parameter constructed of 2 bytes (i.e. Fseq Speed Ratio) via an Address High.

Parameter Change
11110000 F0 Exclusive Status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0001nnnn 1n Device Number
01011110 5E Model ID
0gggpppp gggpppp *Parameter Address High (H)
0mmmmmmm mmmmmmm *Parameter Address Middle (M)
0lllllll lllllll *Parameter Address Low (L)
0vvvvvvv vvvvvvv Data Value MS 7bit
0vvvvvvv vvvvvvv Data Value LS 7bit
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive

Parameter Request
11110000 F0 Exclusive Status
01000011 43 YAMAHA ID
0011nnnn 3n Device Number
01011110 5E Model ID
0gggpppp gggpppp *Parameter Address High (H)
0mmmmmmm mmmmmmm *Parameter Address Middle (M)
0lllllll lllllll *Parameter Address Low (L)
11110111 F7 End of Exclusive

F0 43 1n 5E Hi Mid Lo Data F7 -> parameter change
F0 43 3n 5E Hi Mid Lo F7 -> parameter request

Begins with F0 and ends with F7
The '43' above is the same for both
Use '1n' for PC (parameter change) if you are setting a parameter
Use '5E for Model Id for FS1R - this will be different for each instrument
The Hi, Mid and Lo values will come from the data tables and will be different for each parameter

The Data Values are the value you are changing the parameter to.

For Parameter Requests you don't provide a data value - the data value will be returned to you.

See P39 of the doc

Performance Part Parameter (Byte Count : 52 x 4 = 208 bytes )
F0 43 1n 5E 3p 00 ll vv vv F7 p = 0..3 (Part1..3)

'3p' -> replace 'p' with the part number 0-> 1, 1-> 2, 2-> 3
'll' -> replace with a value from the table 0B -> volume
vv vv -> replace with a value for the new volume.

Posted : 12/02/2023 6:27 pm
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Thank you for your message. I already have this information. Data lists and manuals. I'm having an issue with the variable numbers, so was really hoping for a specific string example that would show a complete conversion for these specific synths for a particular parameter. I am also unsure of device number, so was hoping to check this, also.


Posted : 12/02/2023 11:14 pm
Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I already have this information. Data lists and manuals.

Well we have no way of knowing what you have and what you don't.

I'm having an issue with the variable numbers, so was really hoping for a specific string example that would show a complete conversion for these specific synths for a particular parameter.

I don't have any of those synths so am trying to help you with 'volume' from the manual I gave you the link for.

I am also unsure of device number, so was hoping to check this, also.

You set the device number on the instrument so the value will be whatever you set it to.

When you have more than one instrument (e.g. FS1R) you give them different device numbers to you can address each of them separately.

On a Montage/Modx you find Device number on the 'Utility -> Settings -> Advanced' screen and legal values are: 1-16, ALL and OFF. Your manual should have info about where to find device number on those instruments.

I provided an example from the FS1R doc

F0 43 1n 5E 3p 00 ll vv vv F7 p = 0..3 (Part1..3)

The leading F0, 43 and trailing F7 are used for all commands.

The '43' is the manufacturer ID assigned to Yamaha.

The '53' is the Model ID Yamaha assigned for the FS1R. The other instruments will have their own Model ID and their docs will have just like the FS1R doc I gave you has it.

The '3p' is where you replace 'p' with the part number you are targeting.

the Hi, Mid and Lo address values are each one byte with the high order bit of zero. The values are specific for each parameter and are listed in the tables in the Data List doc.

I suggest you get 'Volume' working for each instrument first to get the format worked out.

Posted : 13/02/2023 12:09 am

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