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Cool FM Bass

7 Posts
3 Users
Posts: 263
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at time 4:50

Please everybody, oftern I leasten on radio modern dance club popular FM Bass, How to create It? Simple only basic recept settings ?

1. alhorithm 2. adsr ... ??

I found video but this is not FM based sound 🙁

Posted : 10/05/2021 5:44 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304
Posted : 11/05/2021 4:57 pm
Posts: 7951
Illustrious Member
at time 4:50

If this is the sound you want - why didn't you follow the menus in the video? The entire construction of this bass was well documented. Maybe a little fast at times - but you can pause the video.

1) Video @ 4:21
Use [CATEGORY SEARCH] to recall the preset Performance "Init Normal (FM-X)"
Commentary: this will start you out with a single oscillator (operator) which outputs a simple sine wave.
"Init Normal (FM-X)" is an initialization Performance as a simple start to any FM-X "grounds up" creation.

2) Video @ 4:26
Change from the default Algorithm 1 to Algorithm 6
Commentary: This creates 2-op stacks Modulator -> Carrier. Algorithm 1 is only carriers with no modulators.
Commentary2: I can see better at video time 4:30 that the Algorithm selected is 6

3) Video @ 4:29
Set OP1 (Modulator) level to 0

4) Video @ 4:30
Set OP2 (Carrier) level to 99

5) Video @ 4:32
Set OP2 Coarse Tuning to 0. Fine tuning should be 0. This arrives at a ratio of 0.50
Commentary: The ratio of 0.50 is what drops the pitch for a bass sound

6) Video @ 4:33
Set OP1 Coarse Tuning to 2. Fine tuning should be 0. This arrives at a ratio of 2.00

7) Video @ 4:38
Set OP1 level to 62
Commentary: Originally the level was set at 0 and then in this step, the presenter used their ear
to "dial in" the amount of modulation they wanted. The modulator (OP1) will change the timbre of
the final sound produced by OP2 (the carrier).

8) Video @ 4:39
Change OP2 "Decay 2 Level" to 0
Change OP2 "Decay 1 Level" to 0
Change OP2 "Decay 1 Time" to 56
Commentary: This changes the carrier - the final output - amplitude envelope. The net result is
the sound has a fast decay after the initial attack which creates the "pluck" style sound. During
this step the time of the Decay 1 Time was adjusted by ear.

9) Video @ 4:45
Change OP1 "Decay 2 Level" to 0
Change OP1 "Decay 1 Level" to 0
Change OP1 "Decay 1 Time" to 35
Change OP1 level to 87
Commentary: This creates a approximately 1/2 of the sound as modulated to achieve a different attack
sound than the later part of the sound. Such that there is a different characteristic to the initial
pluck vs the "meat" part of the sound.

Posted : 12/05/2021 5:39 pm
Posts: 263
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Das ist fantastisch!!! 🙂
Cool Bass!

When I looked at the algorithms myself, I did not understand why some schemes are silent
I couldn't do it myself

Posted : 29/05/2021 5:40 pm
Posts: 7951
Illustrious Member

Probably because you were making edits to modulators that were connected to carriers set at a level of 0. Carriers are the only oscillators (operators) that make sound and will make no sound if the level is 0.

Still, you can just pause the video and copy exactly what they did as outlined.

Posted : 29/05/2021 11:37 pm
Posts: 263
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Now I understand how to start it.
Modulator or Carrier and any Operators: first It need to modify volume and coarse (optional)
Volume get to listen any alhorithms

It's just that the GUI is not very intuitive

Posted : 30/05/2021 7:58 pm
Posts: 7951
Illustrious Member

The interface is much better than previous presentations of FM. That said - the interface still does have a bias towards those who are more "in the know" about the basics vs. a complete novice.

Graphic items like showing carriers are connected to the audio output - and placing "X" or similar on carriers with a level of 0 and no level modulation would guide the user. There are lots of similar GUI things that could have helped self-document how different parts of the engine are related.

Getting out of the clouds of what could have been - for now you need to carefully follow tutorials or videos exactly. Use the same algorithm - this determines the inter-connection of operators which has a profound influence on the outcome. And make sure to edit the same operator numbers - since it matters which operator is the carrier and also which operator is the modulator of a certain carrier (or modulator of another modulator or ...).

You can't just take a puzzle piece and mash it with any other puzzle piece - they all fit together in a specific order.

Posted : 31/05/2021 1:42 am

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