Just hope someone can help or come up with a solution
I have a MODX linked up via midi to a Roland XM which as 5 midi channels in/out
I'm trying to mute one external midi channel and un mute another in the same performance using scenes
The mute button and the volume doesn't seem to affect the external channels in different scenes
I know how to split the keyboard to use different external channels using zones
So not sure if its possible to do this
Any help would be appreciated
Try turning keyboard control OFF/ON within scenes for your external Parts.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
У Rolanda Вашего , есть локальные и глобальные настройки, это очень легко, если вы хотите отключить в одном перформансе миди сообщения с помощью сцен, тогда отключаете KBD ctrl вот здесь и будет вам счастье http://prntscr.com/12wfrv8
Google Translation: Your Rolanda has local and global settings, this is very easy, if you want to disable midi messages in one performance using scenes, then disable KBD ctrl here and you will be happy http://prntscr.com/12wfrv8
More details:
Whenever you are controlling an external device via MIDI Out, consider using the Zone Master function (allows you to intelligently determine what does and what does not get transmitted Out via MIDI).
[UTILITY] > “Settings” > “Advanced” > set “Zone Master” = On
Actually, to STORE the KBD CTRL status for a SCENE you would do so on the following screen:
From HOME > touch “Scene”
Along the top select the Scene 1-8
Activate the “KBD CTRL” Memory switch
Set the Part/Zone you wish to transmit from ... when KBD CTRL = green means that Zone slot will be active (available to transmit).
When KBD CTRL = grey means that Zone slot will be inactive