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Help on performance searching

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I'm out of my mind on this fellas. I'm a gigging musician and have this beautiful ModX8. Couldn't be happier with the ease of programing, the sounds, and the ease of everything at my finger tips. The only issue I'm having is pulling up performances in a timely manner. I have somewhere around 200 Performances that I've created consisting of many different aspects such as, split keyboard, Scenes etc etc. I store them by song name. I save them in Live Sets. Problem is when I get to a gig, I don't have much time to search for the next tune. The best I can do is while we are nearing the end of a tune, I try to keep playing while typing in the first few letters of the next tune in hopes to find it quickly when the current tune ends. Never fails that I create a type-0 and when the song ends have to fucus on typing in the new song to get the keyboard set up. I can't seem to find a good way to do this. Short of re-arranging the live sets according to the set list, does anyone know of a software program or even a piece of hardware that can make this process easier. If you look at the attached pic., there is a small square "unit" just above the screen on a modX while watching this video the player merely presses the green button and the settings all change on the mod x. any idea what this is?

Posted : 25/08/2023 3:51 pm
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

In the Live set pages, top right corner click "Edit". In "Edit mode", at the bottom right, there's a swap button that could help. Choose the right performance in "Live set page" in "Edit" mode, click "Swap" then choose (click) the performance to be swapped with.

Posted : 25/08/2023 4:46 pm
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Short of re-arranging the live sets according to the set list,

That is EXACTLY what live sets are designed for - you use your set list to create a live set.

The solution is to do what you say you don't want to do - rearrange the lives sets according to your set list.

does anyone know of a software program or even a piece of hardware that can make this process easier

Using Live sets properly WILL make the process easier.

You can create 8 different Live Sets and each of them can have up to 16 pages with each page having up to 16 performances.

So at the start of your performance you just position to the correct (1-8) Live Set group and the correct (1-16) page in that group for your gig.

After that you just increment to the next performance in that same live set.

Bad Mister covers ALL the basics of how to create, and use, Live Sets:

LIVE SET can be used to organize your sounds for performing on stage. Each time you increment to a new “Live Set” slot you are recalling (re-patching) Insertion Effects for the various Parts, scores of oscillators, filters, amplifiers, envelope generators, etc. Each slot can be a whole set's worth of sounds, or it could be just a single setup among several others for a single composition.

Posted : 25/08/2023 5:06 pm
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Thank you for all your help! I'll review Bad Misters' video and make it work.
Thanks again

Posted : 25/08/2023 6:02 pm
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I'll review Bad Misters' video and make it work

Don't forget to review the Live Set info in the Reference Doc starting on page 212. Two IMPORTANT things to note are:

1. You can name the Live SEt Banks
2. You can name the Live Set Pages

Bank (Live Set Bank Name)
Enters the desired name for the selected Live Set Bank. The names can contain up to 20 characters.
Touching the parameter calls up the input character display.
Page (Live Set Page Name)
Enters the desired name of the selected Live Set Page. The names can contain up to 20 characters.
Touching the parameter calls up the input character display.

Here are some things I would suggest you consider:

Give each Live Set Bank a name that will tell you what gig(s) that bank is for.

Give each Live Set Page in each bank a name that tells you what is on that page.

Before you start moving things around take some time to PLAN what you need. Map
out how many slots each gig will need so you can put those slots in the proper bank and page(s).

Test using the Swap and Copy buttons (page 214-215) so you know how to move entries around.

 Copying or Exchanging Live Sets
You can copy (or exchange) between Live Sets on a Bank or page basis.
NOTE Page copy (or exchange) between different Banks cannot be executed

Let us know how it works out.

Posted : 25/08/2023 6:17 pm
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Will do Andrew. Thank you again

Posted : 25/08/2023 6:47 pm
Posts: 8357
Illustrious Member

I only have around 64 Performances which is 3 screens of the Live Set which I find easy to manage at the gig. With many multiples of this I could see the problem.

Part of what keeps my Performance count down is that I have many Performances that cover many tunes.

Some tunes I do are very similar sound wise so I can use the same Performance with Scenes to switch out sounds. Also I have a fair amount of medleys where I put all songs on the same Performance instead of switching to new Performances.

There was a time when I was reordering my set list to match the Band's for each gig. That ultimately was too much of a hassle which motivated me to author an ideascale to make editing Live Sets easier. Of course this hasn't beared any fruit.

It would be great if there was a free iOS app offered by Yamaha that allows for PDF charts to be organized (there are free and paid apps that do this already) but also integrates directly with Yamaha synths that can automatically match the set list. I already put my charts in order every gig but there's no integration with the keyboard.

Now you can pay for an app that provides a live set kind of thing in the app and allows for you to bring up a Performance for each as it will send a MIDI command to switch the Performance. If these apps are easier to deal with when the Performance count is very high, then this may be a route.

The iOS Soundmondo app can also be used as a live set replacement. It's just different - maybe easier to reorder. That may be a way to go.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 25/08/2023 8:12 pm
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Just wanted to thank everyone for the guidance. Believe it or not, after almost 2 years owning this beauty I never realized that there were multiple Live Set "banks" this opens up whats needed for me to execute storing for gig sets.
It works great. We usually receive the set list several days prior to the gig and as such I have plenty of "non-stress" time to enter them in. We play usually 16 songs per set, so talk about perfect. 16 slots on each page of each bank. Wonderful.
If they switch up a couple on the run, i'll just type in from the Cat. Page.
Thanks again guys I truly appreciate all your help and input!

Johnny Ack

Posted : 31/08/2023 4:54 pm
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Thanks for the update. It's useful to know whether things work out or not because each use case can have different needs or requirements.

These instruments can be so deep and complex new ways to use them are always cropping up.

Posted : 31/08/2023 5:18 pm
Posts: 823
Prominent Member

You also might find Live Set re-ordering more efficient with the PC/Mac-based editor from John Melas...

Posted : 01/09/2023 5:59 pm
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Just wanted to say this method works perfectly. I've utilized it now at 4 gigs with 2 different bands and it is flawless. I actually was waiting for other band members to start the tune! Awesome, Thanks again to all!

Posted : 18/09/2023 6:58 pm

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