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Make Motion Sequence Lane Start on each Key Press, reliably

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I'm unable to get a single cycle Motion Sequence Lane (1, no other lanes in performance) restart on each key press reliably. It does sometimes, it doesn't other times. The ratio seems to vary, anywhere between always restarting and not restarting on keypress as many as 4 or 5 new key presses. Sometimes the Motion Sequence even seems to stall, completely, paused at any given point in the (single) non-looping cycle.

The Motion Sequence in Question is set to modify the Frequency Modulation of an FM Filter, known as LFO2 FMD.

To my thinking, any key press should restart the Motion Sequence Lane at it's Left Most value, and animate it fully to the right most value, if not interrupted by another key press. If another key press happens, it should restart.

Posted : 07/12/2021 6:18 pm
Posts: 8345
Illustrious Member

As a first step, I set the modulated parameter to the easiest thing for my ear to hear - pitch. I set the sync to off and varied the speed from very lowest to highest values. The Key On reset condition was set to Each-On. I left the curve and settings as default for the lane otherwise. The Performance I started with was "FM Grand Piano" which happened to be the 1st FM Performance in the category search.

Using these settings the motion sequence always would be interrupted by another keypress. Also to test I made the overall length of the sequence longer by setting cycle to 16 and each sequence 2-16 setting to hold so it was easy to hear the interruption (or lack of it if there was a problem). The sequence always restarted.

What I didn't do was use LFO FMD or the same Performance as you.

Some things to look for maybe velocity related. I have the mseq set to 1-127 velocity. Also the Part itself I'd look for reasons why the part itself may not be firing off its operators. Also, as a debug step I'd probably run a test with modulators set to volume 0 and carrier(s) set to sine. It'd be easier to hear the FMD vs. interaction from modulators set like this. The old way of doing frequency modulation was to have the modulators handle the "effects".

Also, I have to disclaim I'm testing Montage and not MODX. There's not a reason to suspect the engines would perform any differently - but that is a difference in setups.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 07/12/2021 6:51 pm
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Your approach is much like what I've done, and I've isolated it, hence the reference to a Performance with no other Motion Sequences, etc.

It does appear there's some kind of bug with the LFO2 FMD.

I think this bug is in the Cutoff of the Filter, as even changing it by itself, when working on an FM-X sound, in the Filter Type page, there's a noticeable pause/hold whilst the Filter's cutoff point is changed.

Posted : 07/12/2021 7:17 pm
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Eminent Member

Started a FM-X Perf from scratch and tweaked the Filter Cutoff (on the Pitch/Filter->Filter Type page) while playing. Everything runs smoothly, no lags/glitches of any kind.
I then went to the Mod/Control->2nd LFO page and assigned Filter Modulation Depth (LFO2 FMD) to an Assignable Knob and adjusted that while playing. No glitches/lags or anything.
MODX6, OS2.52

Posted : 07/12/2021 9:42 pm
Posts: 1715
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Congratulations, Dragos.

Now see if you can get the Motion Sequencer to do Single Ramps, from 0 to 99, of the LFO2 MOD, such that it "closes" the Filter, and does this repeatedly, reliably, on each and every one of your key presses.

Also, keep in mind, this is a "global" filter for all 8 operators/carriers. So what your carriers and operators do, and the complexity of their calculations, may have a profound impact on the performance of the Filter's cutoff value adjustment rates. If you're doing this on a single carrier, or simple use of FM-X, you're likely not going to trouble the maths, ergo no lag.

I'm not doing super complex stuff, but I am using all 8 operators/carriers, and it's all a bit funkier than average.

Sample here... if I could upload audio...

Change file name to .m4a:

Posted : 07/12/2021 10:18 pm
Posts: 8345
Illustrious Member

It'd help to post the Performance or a like one with a similar issue to Soundmondo. Second best would be to upload a ZIP file of the X8B.

I was staying away from modulators more because of the contribution to timbre change that can sound like a filter itself which would make following the MSeq difficult.

For visualization (and assuming this doesn't itself cause an issue), I think it would be a welcome improvement to show a moving marker that follows the pulses through each sequence so you can "see" where the lane is currently at during a one-shot or loop.

Luckily, there is a visualization tool already available. Instead of using a Part's MS Lane - you can configure superknob automation which is a global MS Lane and now the superknob position can tell you where the position is and if anything is stuck. At least as a step to help determine if this has anything to do with the MS "infrastructure" itself or rather if it's an issue with the expectation of the result. If the knob is progressing without getting stuck then it may be possible that certain changes to the modulators+carriers create the result that "sound" stuck. At least then the virtual knob of MS Lane can be cleared (potentially) and a potentially new target for critique emerges.

... disconnect superknob from other things it may modulate and connect it only to the Part you have this MS Lane running in and switch the MS Lane out for the assignable knob you link to superknob. You should have the same sounding result as before but now have an LED to follow telling you if the motion sequence is indeed getting stuck or not.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 07/12/2021 10:58 pm
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Jason you're still operating on the presumption that I'm making the wrong assumptions about what's happening and need to analyse that more.

Instead of doing that, try taking me at my word. I can, in many other settings, get the retriggering of the Motion Sequence lane to work properly.

It's the LFO2 MOD that's not working right.

Posted : 08/12/2021 12:11 am
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btw, this is a continuation of my issues with the Release "curve" of the Filter EG of FM-X.

I was trying this approach as somewhat of a workaround, with the Motion Sequencer lane being used to manually close down the filter (release, so to speak) such that I could then map the resonance to this, too (or a similarly timed but stronger motion sequence) such that I can create a tight, tidy, clean release without the ugly squelch that occurs just using it as it is.

I haven't yet tried doing that with the resonance, as I cant get the LFO2 MOD to smoothly, reliably, perform a "release" when controlled by the Motion Sequencer.

Posted : 08/12/2021 12:15 am
Posts: 8345
Illustrious Member

I was aiming at this part of your statements:

Sometimes the Motion Sequence even seems to stall, completely, paused at any given point in the (single) non-looping cycle.
To my thinking, any key press should restart the Motion Sequence Lane at it's Left Most value, and animate it fully to the right most value, if not interrupted by another key press. If another key press happens, it should restart.

I wasn't suggesting this statement was wrong or right. Just that you have facility to visualize if the lane is progressing correctly or not. The above implies the motion sequence itself has some problem and I was only letting you know that this can be revealed with the superknob "trick".

I guess if you're already past that - then that's good. It wasn't clear you've moved past that already.

What's your MS rate, BTW? What's the (2nd, and herein "LFO" is 2nd) LFO speed? What's the curve set to in LFO? Is the LFO set to Key On Reset as ON?

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 08/12/2021 12:36 am
Posts: 8345
Illustrious Member

I'm still not sure what you're after. I didn't try anything plucky here - just showing that an alg with many modulator interactions (see the stack above OP6) has well behaving LFO2 FMD at every keypress as invoked by a motion sequence. I may be behind the moving target problem curve - but that's where I am now.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 08/12/2021 1:15 am
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I'm not struggling with the Motion Sequencer.

I'm struggling with it reliably being interpreted by the thing that it's controlling.

Namely, the LFO2 MOD

There's something very odd about the Filters control mechanisms within FM-X once there's quite a bit of work being done by the FX-M processing.

I'm using Amplitude Envelopes on all the Carriers and Modulators, and all 8 of them are doing things, and interacting with one another.

Only one part, but it feels like the Filter EG and Cutoff are both struggling to respond in anywhere near realtime, to any kind of input, no matter where it comes from. Motion Sequencer being the one right now.

Adjusting the LFO2 MOD is a hacky way to push the Filter around, as it's seemingly an overall influence multiplier modulator of the filter. Set it to 99, and the Triangle wave of the LFO2 to the Expanded range, and 0 rate (so it's a flat line), and this effectively mutes everything by damping the filter. 0, on the other hand, makes full use of the filter.

All of which is an attempt to get around the crunchy, squelchy Release aspect of the ADDR "curve" upon a filter with resonance.

At this point, I don't think it's possible to do a nice fall off of an FM sound with highly resonant filter and/or operator/carriers.

Posted : 08/12/2021 3:40 am
Posts: 8345
Illustrious Member

Great, I've been off to the next thing too. LFO2 FMD seemed to respond fine for me with modulators. At least it does something I would expect from the setup. How far this is from the excitation you would create is unknown because I don't have a point of reference.

Your 0 rate matches what I did and using the extended range so it "flat lines". I used phase to bias the level - either way we ended up in a similar place.

I can hear the filter following the MS curve and always started from no modulation and increasing in depth. Since I left loop on - if I hold long enough I'll hear the loop restart.

There's some key difference because under these conditions (soundmondo posted Performance) LFO2 FMD seems to be behaving as expected.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 08/12/2021 3:24 pm
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I note you've avoided the areas of problems, again. And again, and again. Jason.

I'll state it again, so you can avoid it again.

This use of the Motion Sequencer is to create a fall off. Fall offs do not loop. They fall, to off.

When they fail to reinitialise to their maximum value, when they fail to fall, when they get stuck at some point in the fall, or when they start at a mid point and run at a lesser rate than desired, these are all failures of the fall off.

All of these occur when playing rapidly with a rapid rate (try the maximum, of 127) of the Motion Sequence during reasonably paced, mono playing.

Posted : 08/12/2021 5:14 pm
Posts: 8345
Illustrious Member

I fail due to lack of information. I'm not able to take vague descriptions and turn them into anything matching what you describe. Not because I'm avoiding it, but because you refuse to give the very simple details it would take to get my (meeting you more than halfway) work here to demonstrate your actual problem and work from there. I've stated my request - with kindness and without judgment. I haven't lectured you. I'm making my best attempts, with stated limitations, to get on the same page as you. There could be good reason for you not to share - I'm ok with that.

If I turn loop off (you can just do that to the Performance I sent) it doesn't get stuck or fail to go to the beginning. Leaving the loop as-is was just because the fall is slow enough that mainly it doesn't loop unless I hold the note for a long long time so I just didn't tidy up that bit. My testing involved rapid note pressing so there was never a loop.

At any rate - I'll turn off MS loop set the rate to 127 and see if I can reproduce anything getting stuck. I'm translating mono playing to mean single note strikes (not multiple notes).

And what I find is that w/rate @ 127 and playing the same note rapidly - approx 120bpm 16th notes - I hear the filter is staying down at the lower end of the MS lane because MS is rapidly restarting and staying within the 1st half of the ramp of that controller pulse. Any time I leave the note pressed down for long enough for the ramp to complete - I hear what I expect - the larger values of the controller (MS Lane) and its cascading impact on the OPs and expected sound. Before with a rate of 13 there wasn't a need to worry about having loop turned on - but at the rate of 127 - I've got loop off. Before the main reason I left loop on was so there would be a large jump from the MS lane maxed out to 0 "instantaneous". Usually these kind of inflection point is where things break so I left it in knowing I wouldn't really reach it unless I did a specific test (held note "forever" ).

I do appreciate the suggested edits - but I still can't find the issue you're describing. We're able to be on the same page because I'm testing the soundmondo Performance posted here with Part 1's MS rate at 127 and loop turned off. Otherwise as-is.

You are welcome to let me know anything else that is out of step with the Performance that would help demonstrate your issue.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 09/12/2021 1:19 am
Posts: 1715
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I'm not able to download from SoundMondo.

More importantly, you've been making and taking steps that isolate the ways the Motion Sequencer does work with this LFO2 MOD.

Try pushing things a little harder, being more diverse and dynamic in your inputs to the keyboard, stacking and building a complex FM-X sound, using a Filter with sufficient characteristics that it's quite pronounced and exact in its range.

Squeeze it.

There's no solution to this. There isn't a problem to solve, for us as users. This is a performance issue that might be fixable by optimising the code, but might not be, too.

Posted : 09/12/2021 6:09 am
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