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total librarian e come eliminare i preset che non mi interessano, per lasciar spazio in memoria

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ciao, ho comperato il pacchetto dei 3 programmi di melas. ho scaricato le performances di motif x e ho segnato una per una le preferite.Aquesto punto le ho passate su total librarian e ho ottenuto un file. Plibmodx. Poi volevo passare le performances scelte dal pc alla tastiera, ma la tastiera non sembra vederle. Ho sbagliato qualcosa? Per caso ci sono altri modi per
1 - eliminare i preset che non mi interessano e
2 -eliminare preset scaricati dal web o altro?
grazie, igor

Posted : 15/02/2021 6:24 pm
Posts: 8129
Illustrious Member

hi, I bought the package of the 3 melas programs. I downloaded the motif x performances and marked my favorites one by one. At this point I passed them to total librarian and got a. Plibmodx. Then I wanted to pass the chosen performances from the pc to the keyboard, but the keyboard doesn't seem to see them. Did I do something wrong? By chance there are other ways to
1 - delete presets that don't interest me e
2 - delete presets downloaded from the web or other?
thanks, igor

You could download the Performances ( download "MOTIF XF Performances for MONTAGE" ), load the X7L into a Library slot, then use "Library Import" or [UTILITY] button then "Contents" -> "Library Import" button to copy the keepers to the user area.

Generally, you would start this process by saving off your existing user area so you can wipe the user area and start with a clean slate. Or you can leave it alone and this will merge your current user area with Performances you select from the Library slot.

After all of that is done, you can make a new Library file that only has your keepers, delete the original Library, and install (Load) the newly created Library.

The Melas tools you have should work to do much of this - but you asked for a different way.

Posted : 17/02/2021 7:43 am

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