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A Newbee Sampling Question and Temporary Sample Robot to Montage Solution using Melas Waveform Editor...truncated.

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First. I've created a multisample in Sample Robot from my old Korg Triton. This string sound is looped. When This multisample is sampled and moved to the Montage, the played note cuts short and does not tail off as does the sound in the Triton.
OK. I've increased the "Recording Note Release Length from 1.00 to 2.00 but it didn't work upon resampling the sound. How do I get the release (tail off) when I release the key? (it's not effects...) Please be merciful. 😮

Truncated SR to Montage Library Issue. It works...

1) Create a Multisample using Sample Robot.
2) Export as User File to USB.
3) Load user file to Montage.
4) Save that same User File back to USB as a User file. (now it's ver 4.4 and will work...yay)
5) Load into Waveform Editor. Repeat the above for all your SR Samples.
6) Group your multisamples together and Save to USB. It will be saved as a Library group.
7) Load all your grouped Montage Library Performances back to USB (File group will be saved as X7L). You will have a Library that will Import to User on the Montage INTACT!!! (all elements that is).

Posted : 17/10/2018 9:06 pm
Posts: 8327
Illustrious Member

It's easier to deal with things we can all play with. There's probably someone who's messed with this before who can run down the procedure using past experience. I'm going to have to start from scratch.

In order to do this, I'll be using the Preset Performance "Warm Back" which is MSB=64, LSB=9, PC=56 according to the "Properties" on my Montage.

I'm making note of that because I want to program that bank and PC change into SampleRobot so I don't have to have the Performance up already -- I want to automate calling up that Performance. Also, I'll learn if I need to subtract one from that number to get the right value entered into SampleRobot.

That's all I have right now - a plan of attack.

"Warm Back" was chosen because it tails off very slowly. It would be easy to tell if it was cut off vs. some other string Performances. The "Back" series (background) in Montage seem to tail off slowly upon release as one trademark.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 17/10/2018 10:14 pm
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Hi Jason and thank you for your quick reply.
I should have been more specific in that I am seeking to actually sample the sound correctly in Sample Robot. Certain samples recreate perfectly yet, something such as the STRINGS sound I sampled just cut out like the sample was snipped right in the middle. I first tried the setting to increase the Recording Release Length in Sample Robot, but then it occured to me that being that it is looped and isn't a "beginning and end" sample sound like a piano, that there's something I don't yet understand how to do in settings to record the sample..
Any input to resolve my "record sample" settings would be most helpful.
PS- there is no support aside from this forum for Montage and Sample Robot.

Posted : 17/10/2018 11:23 pm
Posts: 8327
Illustrious Member

Well, off the bat I can say:

1) The demo given by Skylife ( ) suffers from the same result. As easy as it would have been to demonstrate the release (assuming it's easy and works) - it was not done in this demonstration. The samples are cutoff even though there is a release taper in the original sounds.

2) The demo claims your entire instrument can be made into a single sample set because you can program and step through program changes. The problem here is that SampleRobot doesn't support that Montage requires MSB+LSB+PC. SampleRobot only seems to support sending PC - so you can only switch to other sounds within the currently selected "area" (like Library, User, etc) and "Page" (any one out of 128 Performances in the current MSB+LSB selection). It would be nice if, for the Montage version, facility for MSB+LSB was added such that we would more fully automate

3) Fooling around with this on my own, it seems when you enter in XX seconds for note length and YY seconds for release length - that SampleRobot simply mashes the key down for XX+YY seconds - not that SampleRobot mashes down the key for XX seconds, lets go of the key (MIDI Note off) then keeps recording for YY seconds.

So fine - it's not so intuitive that a dummy could operate it. So now I need to crack open the manual and see if that helps.

The manual says:

Note Length and Release Length:
Choose the length for the notes to be recorded and the length for the
release notes (recording time after a note off). It our
examples the values are: 6,00 seconds for note length
and 2,00 seconds for release length. Click on the Next

This doesn't seem to match what I see happening. But OK.

4) It seems like the WAV file player doesn't play the release. I can't figure out how to make the sample play through the release area when previewing the capture using "WAV". Maybe that's just a limitation and the generated X7U/X7L will sound fine.

5) I tried to set the cursor past the loop area - but I see no facility to set the cursor. When I press the "Play" "Cur." option - it tells me to place a cursor in the note area. However, I do not see documentation or an intuitive way to do this.

Thus far - I'm too much of a dummy to use the documentation to figure it out. Although I should export an X7U and see if that just magically sounds right.

... and, if it does sound fine on Montage, I wish the WAV preview would handle the release when I let go of the mouse button to simulate a note-off event.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 17/10/2018 11:43 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Just as a learning exercise, I recommend, you go [CATEGORY SEARCH] > touch "Init" > "Init Normal (AWM2)"

This will recall Waveform 0001, a perfect looped multi sample mapped across the Keyboard. It happens to be the CF3 Stretched tuned Velocity Switching Stereo sample set... you are hearing it in it raw form, looped by not edited to be a piano. This editing takes place in the synth, not the sample.... here's what I mean:

You will notice that this initialized Waveform has, what is described as an "organ Envelope"; immediate On, and immediate Off.

This is not "piano-like", its Release is too short. Play this "Init" Piano Waveform, it will not take you long to recognize, "this is NOT right!"

Go to the HOME screen
Press [EDIT]
Touch "Elem1"
Touch "Amplitude" > "Amp EG"
Set the Release = 70 or around there for a proper piano-like response.

The Release time Parameter is not done in the Sample, but in the Synth.

Posted : 17/10/2018 11:49 pm
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Hey Bad Mister...thanks for chiming in. It's funny in that as I was typing my discovery, you laid it out. I went into the release for the imported string multisample and adjusted it!
I hope my truncated contribution to temporarily resolving the Sample Robot X7L to X7U (missing elements when importing) issue using Melas Waveform Editor will be helpful for the newbees like myself out there. Library imports now work that are successful in importing intact to User bank.
Ok, gents...thanks for all.

Posted : 18/10/2018 12:39 am

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