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Editing the velocity of Montage midi notes recorded into Logic

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Recording midi song on Montage and then dropping that midi file into Logic using "Connect"
FIles drop into place in Logic Playback is fine as is Motion Seq.recorded
Then I open up the Logic midi editor to adjust the velocity of certain notes. Most often to bring the loudness down a bit on a few notes. I can adjust the volume fine in the editor, but on playback the adjusted notes have gone back to their original volume.

Have also recorded straight into Logic using external Instrument plug on midi channels 1,2,3 etc. Of course setting the Montage to "Midi rec DAW'
Same problem here that when I edit midi notes on the velocity map they don't always playback as I edited them.

Help appreciated!

Posted : 23/11/2016 7:49 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

There could be several things going on. I wish I could give you a definitive answer but without knowing the nature of what you recorded we can only take a broad educated guess...

When arpeggios are involved, make sure you use the ARPEGGIO BYPASS when playing back. You can hold [SHIFT] + [ARP ON/OFF] (the button will flash indicating the ARP BYPASS is engaged). This will prevent you from listening to the ARP live while you are simply playing back what you recorded.

If no arps are involved and you are not hearing your edits remember the Montage transmits on multiple MIDI channels simultaneously. And what that does is create multiple streams of what appears to be the same data on each of your tracks. Actually it could be a situation where you are playing velocity zoned sounds. So the data you are editing may not be the data in the specific velocity range. (different velocities could be isolated on a separate track)...

If a sound has two PARTS - one responds to velocities 1-90 and the other responds to 91-127, both tracks might appear to have the same exact note-event data, but only one of them is going to actually cause the sound to change in volume. You may be editing the data on the wrong track. (Strange as that sounds).

It can vary based on what you are setup to record. Try (in Logic), soloing the tracks you've recorded and hear exactly what data each track represents, you may find that data is laid out across your tracks in a different manner than usual. Without more information about what kind of thing you are recording there are too many possibilities to just state what is happening in your case.

Posted : 23/11/2016 11:10 pm

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