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Generating .ins and syx files for Sonar

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EDIT : See the last post for the last version

Posted : 25/04/2017 9:19 am
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Another big - Thank You 🙂

Posted : 26/04/2017 5:01 pm
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@ Larry
Thank you

Here is a new version. I try to make the main screen more readable.
There is a new screen 'Scenes Summary' (wich is not terminated).

I search specifications of script patch name (.txt) for cubase.
If anyone can help me, I have some samples, but no spec. and I am not a Cubase user.

EDIT : See the last post for the last version

Posted : 27/04/2017 8:04 pm
Posts: 603
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Hi Jean, great job, the interface is clear like this and scene summary add is a very good idea 😉

Posted : 27/04/2017 9:02 pm
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Here is a new intermediate version of the program, with several bugs corrections in 'Display Controls'.

News :

In main screen :
You can edit performance name, volume and tempo.
You can switch Arp Global, MS Global, SKMS and MS Common.
In the part's lines you can enable/disable a part by clicking in his num. (except for part one).
You can edit Kbd, Mute, Vol, M.S, Arp, Mode, Hold, Range, Vel, Arp.Range and Vel.Range by clicking on it.

'Scenes Summary' screen is complete with all parameters.

In 'Display Controls' screen :
If the destination is an effect, you can see the name of the effect and the name of the parameter instead of eg: InsA:Parameter1.
If the destination is 'OP AEG Offset' or 'OP Freq' you can see the offset for each operator.

'View Effects' is a new screen (not completed) for summarize the effects and side-chain.

'View Arpeggios' is a new screen:
You can see all the arpeggios of the performance.
If you click on an arpeggio name, the upper panel display the arpeggio parameters for this arpeggio, you can edit these parameters by clicking on it.
(Some parameters are global for the part or the performance)
If you double-click on the name of an arpeggio, this open a new screen for browsing/searching arpeggio.
You can test in real-time new arpeggios. Then if you click 'Ok' the new arpeggio is maintained, if you click 'Cancel' the arpeggio select when you open the browser is restored.

Here is the limits of this program.
Because I don't know how request user arpeggios names (or user waveform names) as we can do with Motif/Moxf line with midi port 4.
Perhaps in future OS version this will be possible.

For these reasons and because I have now my Montage in front of me and because I have no more feedback(except Moessieurs) or request, I make a pause in dev. of this utility.

As I have now made tables of correspondences between Moxf and Montage for arpeggios, voices and effects, I am working on an utility for importing performances from Moxf (and Motif after conversion) to Montage.

EDIT : See the last post for the last version

Posted : 05/06/2017 7:28 pm
Posts: 603
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Thank you Jean, i will be busy this week but check as soon as possible.

Great if you find a way to import performances from MoXf and Motif XF.

Posted : 06/06/2017 4:52 pm
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Thank you

Yes I have 'found a way', I have all the infos, now I need time !

For 'MontagePerformanceDump', as I have say, I am blocking because they are no (as I know) bidirectionnal exchange between PC and Montage like on Motif/Moxf with Midi Port 4.
(I don't know if this is why we have not John Melas Editor for now).

So I am working in another way, by parsing x7U (or X7A) file and extracting user arpeggio names and user waveform names, then integrate them in MontagePerformanceDump catalog.
Of course we have to save on usb stick on Montage, then load on PC from usb stick. So I assume user arpeggio and user waveform don't change too often.
But this is a way.

But now I'm going on vacation 😉

Posted : 06/06/2017 7:15 pm
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Posted : 06/06/2017 7:50 pm
Posts: 603
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Great job Jean, it's work fine, the arp search windows with real time test is very great, the main screen new edit function too.
I will update Moessieurs soon with a new page for this update 😉

Posted : 10/06/2017 12:00 pm
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Thank you very much.

I have decrypt enough about X7A files for including the names of the librairies that I will incude in the Catalogue view and the names of the user and librairies arpeggios that I will include in the Arpeggio browser in the next version.

However, I have not yet decode measure length and time signature of these arpeggios.

I think I will also include a X7? scanning view with browser and reporting in the Utility menu.
What might interest other people

Posted : 10/06/2017 2:13 pm
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Hi Jean,

I've been using your (good) performance dump utility, and I had a little problem when I receive one user bank, or all user performances:

Download stops when it reaches an empty performance.
I think it' s because I have deleted some user performances and there are some 'blanks'.
I can't manage where a performance is written (in terms of MSB/LSB/PC), so I can't move the performances to fill holes.

PS: We can also talk of this on Audiokeys in french, I'm tinorocky...

Posted : 05/07/2017 4:33 pm
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C'est effectivement un problème

En fait le 'dump' se termine soit à la fin d'une banque soit sur un time-out.

Si l'on demande au Montage une performance qui n'existe pas, il ne réponds pas.

J'ai inclus ce comportement (fin sur time-out) pour ne pas attendre plus de 25 minutes pour rien dans le cas ou il y aurait par exemple que 2 performances dans une banque.

A priori il n'y pas moyen de réorganiser une banque sur le Montage (par exemple en la sauvegardant (.X7U) puis en la rechargeant les 'trous' restent)

Je pense inclure une option au programme pour forcer le dump total d'une banque (ce qui prendra beaucoup plus de temps à cause des time-out)

Je vais réfléchir au problème.

A bientôt.

Posted : 05/07/2017 8:09 pm
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Here is a new version for correcting the bug of 'holes' in the dump process of a bank.

New :
In Catalog Screen you have a new Otion menu.
In this menu you have a checkbutton 'Option: Total Bank Scan'

If this option is not set : the dump process of a bank stop at the first empty performance.
Use this option when you know a bank has no hole and there is a few performances in the bank, for preserving time.

If this option is set : the dump process scan all the bank even if there are holes in the bank.
Use this option if you don't know if there are holes in the bank (this take full time for dumping the bank)

Let me know if you encounter troubles.

Posted : 06/07/2017 9:06 am
Posts: 603
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Thank you Jean 😉

Posted : 06/07/2017 11:15 am
Posts: 0
New Member

It works with last version.
I can get all user performances.
Thank you

Posted : 08/07/2017 9:59 am
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