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Lost midi output after Update

20 Posts
5 Users
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I''ll take a couple of pics of the screens I use to change settings to try and help diagnose what went wrong. I just don't have time to go through all my performances and use the method Justin explained in the other thread to work out the old program locations before rehearsal.

I appreciate your situation, and look forward to the pics when you have the time. I love a mystery.

I did also notice in the part settings general tab the zone switch defaulted back to OFF instead on ON with the Transmit Ch Off, I use this setting on any channels i have programs on in the montage to stop it sending note data to the Kurzweil.

? ? Not sure I follow that...but then again, you never provided any information about the Zone Settings or the Midi Channels. Let us know when you can. Thanks.

Posted : 02/03/2018 7:29 pm
Posts: 0
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Well downgraded this morning, everything came right other than one thing which I'd like firstly to apologise for, in my infinite wisdom I must have bumped the midi format setting on the Kurzweil somehow,... I really dont know how but when changed from 0/32 to 0 my MSB LSB bank controls came right. I think this caused me to search and alter settings on the Montage which could have dug my hole deeper for me whilst panicing. Thanks again to Paul for sending me the old OS, think I'll just stick with 1.6 until a new version comes out... and also when I have a few weeks spare before a gig. Back to making the most of the montage and kurzweil forte... they sound great together..... and also can sleep again 🙁

Posted : 03/03/2018 8:38 am
Posts: 0
New Member

Hi Scott

I'm glad you've got it sorted out at last, next time don't panic - sharp in take of breath and a cuppa tea with plenty of sugar (for shock!) I'm glad you've got it sorted; it can happen to all of us. I'll take the link out for the 1.6 so good luck



Posted : 03/03/2018 9:53 am
Posts: 580
Prominent Member

Hi, done a try from my Montage to control Motif XF on OS 2.00, all is working fine, no problem, i can select the XF voice i want for each Montage zone.

I suggest you when you have enough time to upgrade on 2.00 and be sure your kurzweil is on good mode for receiving Montage MSB/LSB/PC data 😉

Posted : 03/03/2018 2:22 pm
Posts: 8147
Illustrious Member

The only identified issue with v2.0 upgrading is the tag value in Song+Performance. The other issue you reported about zone settings having to swap now looks possibly more like user error than any problem with the new firmware.

This statement is more for the wider forum's benefit as to not conflate what issues one can expect from upgrading.

Posted : 03/03/2018 4:21 pm
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