Montage ever going to get S.Art...?
Bad Mister...?
Makes sense to me - S.Art (SA) are the super articulations available on the arranger keyboards like Genos/Tyros. There are different modes than available with XA on Montage/MODX where the [ASSIGN 1] and [ASSIGN 2] buttons can enable/disable various elements in order to create say guitar harmonics or horn falls. SA allows for say not pitch bending every note (for pedal steel guitar work) or other modes which would be of interest to some.
This brushes on the topic:
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
Yes, but the S.Art sounds in the Genos are incredible.
If you could get the sounds/voices of the Genos into the Montage...