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Montage M - is the category search the same as Montage classic?

6 Posts
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Just wondering if they have improved the category search on the M ?

I have a few issues with it on my MODX and Montage… I would like my selections to be held if I choose to as most of the time it loses the current selections and takes you back to a clean search.

I found it doubly annoying when I’d done a selection and got a list of the required performances but if you then go into the Performance View of the loaded performance and then back to the search, your previous search is lost. I have always said that there should be some option on that search screen to “hold” the current search until that option is toggled off.

If memory serves right, it’s the same if you have a selection of performances and want to add them one by one to a live set - every time you add a performance to a live set slot, you lose your current selection and have to do it all again.

Posted : 27/10/2023 1:21 pm
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New Member Guest

Just wondering if they have improved the category search on the M ?

I think it works the same way as before.

See this thread I posted a couple of weeks ago about how category search results get modified because the 'Category' filter gets set based on the category of the current performance.

I haven't tested your use case but if you provide the details I can try it. The only way to know for sure is if I can do the EXACT steps you do and report the results.

Posted : 27/10/2023 3:32 pm
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It’s fine if you go into search, select Favourites and Organs for example and then select a performance and then go into the Performance Home screen or Live Set and then go back to category search.

But if you do this

Category Search
Select Organs
Type in “bars” in the text search box
This lists the Organs with bars in the name.
Select a performance
Select Performance Home
Select Category Search again to go back to the search.
It will be listing all Organs and the text search criteria will not be there

Posted : 27/10/2023 7:51 pm
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To add to my post above, the same happens if you go to a Live Set screen to edit and add the loaded performance to that Live Set and then go back to the search.

This has caused me a lot of frustration when I’ve wanted to add all performances with “OB_” or “JP_” to a Live Set for example.

Posted : 28/10/2023 7:19 pm
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New Member Guest

Tests show that the search criteria is also removed on the M8X for the test cases you have described.

Posted : 28/10/2023 7:37 pm
Posts: 136
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[quotePost id=124090]Tests show that the search criteria is also removed on the M8X for the test cases you have described.[/quotePost]

Ok that’s a bit disappointing for me. It’s a shame they haven’t added a little option on that screen to toggle on and off the ability to keep the text search criteria.

Many thanks for trying this 🙂

Posted : 28/10/2023 7:41 pm

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