I am having a problem with the pattern sequencer. I recorded two patterns, One to scene 1, and one to scene 2. The problem I’m having is that when I go from one Scene to another, The pattern does not change accordingly. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks in advance for your responses.
We need to find a definition for Pattern.
When you navigate to the “Play/Rec” > “Pattern” screen
The title box at the top let’s you select a Pattern — there are 128 Pattern locations.
If you call up a Performance... it has 8 Scenes. Say you recall the first one Pattern 001
If you recorded Scene 1, and then Scene 2, those are likely two Scenes in the same Pattern, Pattern 001
The Performance is your band
Each Part of that Performance is a different musician in that band
Scene 1 might be the first verse... you set the Length prior to recording to number of measures before it will cycle (1-256 measures)
Scene 2 might be the chorus...
Like in a real world situation the members of the band stay the same in the verse and the chorus...
Now, using the proper definitions, can you describe what you did? And what you want to happen.
Thanks for your quick response. I want to use patternA as intro, and PatternB as main, for a jazz piano jam. Both recorded on separate scenes, A on scene 1, B on scene 2. . However, if I go back in the sequencer on scene 1, and switch to scene 2, it doesn’t show the proper pattern. It still shows patternA.
? What’s A? What’s B?
The screen does not say “patternA”
Need a better description, sorry. I’m not getting what you are saying...
I checked it out and found that the pattern changed when I called up the scene, but when in sequencer mode, the name didn’t change when I changed the scene. Also had trouble with correcting or changing the length. Thanks for your patience.
All 8 Scenes share the same Pattern Name. Just like the intro and the verse belong to the same composition.
The record LENGTH must be set before initial recording to a Track.
If it is initially set to 4 measures when you record - that is the record Length.
If I Record Newpattern1 to scene 1, and Newpattern2 to Scene 2, and I go back and forth between the scenes while on the sequencer screen, the name of the pattern doesn’t change when I change scenes. In performance mode, changing the scene changes the pattern. However, I can’t go to the sequencer screen and see which pattern is saved in a particular scene. If I call up scene 1 and switch to scene 2, the name of the pattern stays the same.
I apologize for my last reply; I must have missed your response that all scenes share the same pattern name. Mystery solved! Thank you; you’ve been a great help!