Post questions here following the Webcast on March 30, 11 AM PST!
What is the Webcast link?
I second that question - where is the webcast going to be?
Also: is it PST or PDT?
Stay tuned for the Webcast Link! It will be posted on Yamahasynth when we have that information dialed in.
It will be on March 30, 11 AM Pacific Time Zone as in Los Angeles, CA time. As a side note, I listed as PST--"Pacific Standard Time"--but because of Daylight Savings it is technically PDT--"Pacific DAYLIGHT Time". For anyone interested, here is a quote from the Wikipedia Entry about PST/PDT:
"Through 2006, the local time (PST, UTCโ8) changed to daylight time (PDT, UTCโ7) at 02:00 LST (local standard time) to 03:00 LDT (local daylight time) on the first Sunday in April, and returned at 02:00 LDT to 01:00 LST on the last Sunday in October.
Effective in the U.S. in 2007 as a result of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the local time changes from PST to PDT at 02:00 LST to 03:00 LDT on the second Sunday in March and the time returns at 02:00 LDT to 01:00 LST on the first Sunday in November. The Canadian provinces and territories that use daylight time each adopted these dates between October 2005 and February 2007. In Mexico, beginning in 2010, the portion of the country in this time zone uses the extended dates, as do some other parts. The vast majority of Mexico, however, still uses the old dates."
Thanks for the clarification. Microsoft //build/ keynote is from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM... hope it doesn't go overtime! I'll better get some snacks.
I won't be able to watch it live. Will it be recorded so that people can watch it later?
Please, please, please talk about how the Montage will work with Cubase - I mean in actual practical terms, not motherhood statements. Recording MIDI in Cubase, converting it to audio, addressing all of the motion and arpeggiators for editing. (For example, if you hold down a chord with an arp, what appears in Cubase - just the notes of the chord, or the notes of the arp?).
I want Montage + Cubase to be the centre of my studio, but at the moment there is a dirth of information about integration other than vague statements about how amazing it will be.
I'm also hoping that the webcast will be recorded and made available. Not everyone will be able to tune it (or actually figure out the time to tune in).
Please clarify the built-in audio interface. I have the Apogee Symphony I/O audio interface (with Symphony 64 | Thunderbridge) connected to my Mac Pro computer, amplifier and monitors. Presently using only software synths. With the Montage, I would expect to keep using the Apogee, but am unclear how this would integrate with the Montage. Would the Montage built-in audio interface be utilized? Disabled? I'm unclear about this.
Thank you
Lawrence wrote:
Please clarify the built-in audio interface. I have the Apogee Symphony I/O audio interface (with Symphony 64 | Thunderbridge) connected to my Mac Pro computer, amplifier and monitors. Presently using only software synths. With the Montage, I would expect to keep using the Apogee, but am unclear how this would integrate with the Montage. Would the Montage built-in audio interface be utilized? Disabled? I'm unclear about this.
Thank you
Whether you use the built-in Montage audio input is up to you. The way it works is this you connect the Montage to your computer via USB. If you opt to use the Montage's audio interface you'd select the Yamaha Steinberg USB driver, this would see 32 buses coming from the Montage (Stereo plus 30 assignable) the 30 assignables can be configured as odd/even pairs or individual buses, as you require. Any Montage Part or even individual drums from within Kits can be routed to the outputs as you require.
Since you are using a Mac, you can continue to use your Apogee I/O for your other recording duties, by building an Aggregate Audio Device that lets the Mac see all these inputs simultaneously (both the Apogee and the Montage).
Or you can let the Montage be your only audio interface. It's up to you, and how you like to work.
If you choose to not use the Montages USB audio function, then naturally you'll need to connect it to your audio interface.... connect the main L/R analog outputs of the Montage to two available inputs on your Apogee. If you have two more inputs, you can connect the Montage's assignable L/R analog outs to them.
Thank you. That's very helpful!
Nate (the Marketing Manager and my boss) recorded several paths of multi channel audio from different Montage Performances into Logic and was decidedly ebullient in his texts to me about how it all worked as advertised and how totally awesome everything sounded on playback.
I am very excited about the promised computer integration, especially the Mac Audio Units standard, I am looking for compatibility with Logic.
Will it be 64 bit? Will there be a cost to the upcoming AU function? Will Arps and motion control information be able to be directly recorded into the DAW?
Thanks for the questions everyone! Attached is a little behind the scenes shot of our rehearsal!
Will the Montage be backwards compatible with Motif Program files?
Is it possible for YAMAHA to add more Synthesis models to the Montage in the future ?