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Names different drum parts

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I have a Yamaha Montage 6.
I recorded a drum arpeggio in my DAW (Cubase)
For every drum part I made a separate track (Kick, snare, hihat etc.)
I want to name all the drum parts correctly. (so that I can replace a few parts with different drum sounds I have on my computer)
Of some of the parts I don't know the names.
Is there an overview (names) of all the parts divided over the 61 keys of the drumkit(s)?
I can't find it on the internet.
I'm using the 'Power StandardKit 1'

It would really help me!
Thanks in advance!

Posted : 13/02/2022 6:52 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

Download the data list that matches your firmware. For this question, it doesn't matter much - but it would be best to have the right reference for other things. In the USA, the link is here:

... and the data list for the latest v3.50 firmware:

PowerStandardKit 1 is on page 47.

Note; Wave Number; Wave Name
C0 3217 Claves1
C#0 5224 Sd Brush Soft St
D0 5236 Sd Brush Swir St
D#0 5227 Sd Brush Med St
E0 5239 Sd Brush SwirAtt St
F0 5212 Sd LiveRoll St
F#0 2860 Castanet1
G0 5037 Sd PowerD 1St
G#0 2855 Stick1
A0 4463 Bd PowerB 1-2St
A#0 5049 Sd PowerD 5St
B0 4454 Bd PowerA 1-2St
C1 4441 Bd Jazz1-2St
C#1 5007 Sd PowerB SSt
D1 5010 Sd PowerC 1-5St
D#1 2889 Hand Clap1 St
E1 5031 Sd PowerD 1-5St
F1 5939 Tom Power04 1-2St
F#1 5614 HH Power ClTip 1-4St
G1 5939 Tom Power04 1-2St
G#1 5654 HH Power ClPedal St
A1 5927 Tom Power03 1-2St
A#1 5658 HH Power Open EdgeSt
B1 5915 Tom Power02 1-2St
C2 5915 Tom Power02 1-2St
C#2 6175 Crash2 St
D2 5903 Tom Power01 1-2St
D#2 6225 Ride1 St
E2 6283 China1 St
F2 6253 Ride Cup1 St
F#2 2843 Tambourine1 Sw
G2 6293 Splash1 St
G#2 3224 Cowbell2
A2 6178 Crash2 RL
A#2 2879 Vibraslap1
B2 6229 Ride2 St
C3 2979 Bongo1 Hi 1Fingr 1-2
C#3 2989 Bongo1 Lo 1Fingr 1-2
D3 2930 Conga1 Hi SlpMute1-2
D#3 2924 Conga1 Hi Open 1-2
E3 2935 Conga1 Lo Open 1-2
F3 3026 Timbale1 Hi 1-3
F#3 3030 Timbale1 Lo 1-2
G3 3105 Agogo1 Hi
G#3 3106 Agogo1 Lo
A3 3062 Cabasa1A 1-2
A#3 3059 Maracas1 Slur
B3 3220 Whistle
C4 3220 Whistle
C#4 3113 Guiro1 Short
D4 3112 Guiro1 Long
D#4 3217 Claves1
E4 2872 Wood Block
F4 2872 Wood Block
F#4 2975 Cuica1 Hi
G4 2974 Cuica1 Lo
G#4 2884 Triangle1 Mute
A4 2883 Triangle1 Open
A#4 2816 ShakerA 13
B4 2908 Sleigh Bell1
C5 2912 Wind Chime 1
C#5 4726 Sd Bld St1-4
D5 4885 Sd Blues 3St
D#5 4929 Sd Hip St1-2
E5 4826 Sd Funk St1-3
F5 4746 Sd Soul St1-4
F#5 5177 Sd LdwHMono
G5 5180 Sd Heavy
G#5 4909 Sd Tight St1-4
A5 4894 Sd BluesHeart St1-3
A#5 4367 Bd Snap 1-2
B5 4376 Bd Tight 1-2
C6 4403 Bd Funk St1-2

Posted : 13/02/2022 7:17 pm
Posts: 0
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Topic starter

Thanks for your reply! This helps a bit!:) 🙂
But it doesn't say all the names of the instruments.
For example: C1 4441 Bd Jazz1-2St or G5 5180 Sd Heavy
Is there anyway to unravel these terms?

Posted : 13/02/2022 7:41 pm
Posts: 706
Prominent Member

I recently did a personal Deep Dive into available Drum Kits and the many thousands of waveforms/samples that comprise them.

What I discovered is that there is a lot of commonality between supposed "different" Drum Kits... then the Penny Dropped.

A Drum Kit in MONTAGE/MODX is just like any "Instrument" Part. It is made of multiple elements, that collectively, sound like the name of the Part

I will explain with a fabricated example....

You find an AWM2 Part that is named "Strings", under the hood, you might expect to find a bunch of Elements all called "Strings" or otherwise Relevant names like "Violin", "Cello" etc. What you actually find is Elements named "Pad Str" "blown bottle" "PWM 3_25" etc. The "Part" is a "Kit" of different waveforms, which despite their names, collectively sound like "Synth Strings". You could choose to take issue with the fact that the element "PWM3" has no textual correlation to "strings", but you will find yourself tearing out a lot of your own hair.

Drum "Kits" are similar. They are Montage AWM2 "Parts" comprised of many different Waveforms, that collectively resemble the "name" of the Part. The main difference to an "Instrument" Part is "Drum" Parts operate as "Element Per Key"

Take a couple of "ready to go" standalone kits as examples... New Maple Custom Kit & D'Elo Kit.

The "Maple" kit conjures up an image of a "light coloured wood" drum kit, maybe made by Pearl.... but could be any Brand really.

The D'elo kit, maybe conjures an Image of a kit made by Music Co D'Angelo.... or is it a recreation of the kit used by Drummer Michael D'Angelo? You don't know till you try.

In the "Maple Kit" example, if you flick through the Data List Manual, you will find, near the Top of the list, Maple Snare, Maple Tom etc... there is your "Maple Drum Kit". All the other "non-Maple" waveforms are just drawn from the reservoir of available waveforms that (in the designer's experienced opinion) supplement and compliment the sound of Maple Drums.

In the D'Elo kit, you may see there is a "Jazz" bias on the actual "Drums" selected for the kit (again found at the top of the list). You may also notice that the "other" percussive waveform names, resemble the names in the Maple Kit, and occupy similar positions.

For example:- For Drum Key D#2
Maple Kit = Ride Brite St
D'Elo Kit = ZJ Ride1 Tip Sw

So... D#2 is a "Ride Cymbal". This is a convention. In all other kits you will find some variation of a Ride Cymbal, or otherwise, a percussive sound that can substitute in for the function of a Ride Cymbal. In the case of the D'Elo Kit, it would be a fair guess that "ZJ" refers to a Zildjian Cymbal sample, and the "Sw" possibly indicates a Velocity Sensitive "MultiSample" (Velocity Switched). But all you really need to know is... "Do I like the sound of this Ride Cymbal? Or should I look for something different?"

The point here is not to be led astray by the Drum Kit name... it could be called "Mickey Mouse".

Under the hood they all behave very similarly, as you would expect from a Drum Kit. But the difference in sound cannot be conveyed by a 10 Letter "Code" in each waveform "Name". The only way to distinguish is to Play and Listen.

So the "naming code" is largely irrelevant, and a total Red Herring. Think of them as Product ID or Serial Numbers. Do you know the Serial Number of Your Montage? Do you care?

They just need "something" for Catalogueing the Waveform Samples. The accronyms do follow a naming convention, but for the most part they are a "best effort" towards recognition....Handclap, Clap, hclap, hclp, hc etc

There are many ways to "listen" to a whole Drum Kit in isolation. You need to just try the mechanics here or refer to the Manuals for... Category Search, Part Category Search, Category Search - Performance Merge, ARP Category Search, Waveform Category Search and Rhythm Pattern (Tool).

Probably the Best way to get Started is to open up a Drum INIT Performance, and play all the keys, starting at the Bass end of the keyboard (down here is where all your "drums" are). As you progress up the keys towards the Treble end, you will hear more random "Percussion" and " Sound FX" elements. On the Black Keys, you may hear "alternative" options e.g. a "brighter" Rimshot,, a more "Splashy" cymbal etc.

You can change the Drum Kit by doing a Part Category Search (for Single Part Drum Kits) or a Performance Merge (for embedded "Designer" kits like "Schlager Weapon" ).

Another auditioning option is to use the Top Panel "Rhythm Pattern" button to the bottom left of the LCD Touch Screen. This will allow you to choose, or mix'n'match, Drum Kits and Drum Arpeggios in a single location. The Arp will then "play" the Drum Kit for you.

You can change the Waveform played by a Particular Drum Key, by editing the Drum Part, selecting "Drum Key" and then doing a Category Search - Waveform, and using the Main and Sub categories to filter down to the type of sound you want (or use a text search e.g. RimShot or just "Rim" )... check the Reference Manual.

Posted : 13/02/2022 11:31 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

But it doesn't say all the names of the instruments.
For example: C1 4441 Bd Jazz1-2St or G5 5180 Sd Heavy

Those are the names. And the number preceding is the waveform number in case you wanted to search that way for the same instrument.

Maybe you're looking for something other than the names Yamaha assigned to these waveforms.

Posted : 14/02/2022 1:34 am
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Active Member
Topic starter

Thank u all for the replies and great information!
I learned a lot! And will do more research on the internet listening to these drum parts and also on the Montage.
I'm not a drummer and I want to get familiar with the setup of the drums and kits the Montage provides.
This will help me a lot, also in upcoming projects.

Thanks again!

Posted : 14/02/2022 6:27 pm
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

A picture may help.

So when you play "C1 4441 Bd Jazz1-2St" - meaning when you press the "C1" MIDI note, you'll see "C1" in the lower right (circled in red) and also "4441" as the upper-left red box and "Bd Jazz-2St" in the upper right red box. Use your ears to figure out what "Bd Jazz-2St" means. This thread has already decoded - but for anything not decoded - just associate the sound to patterns you start seeing in the names.

Turn arpeggios OFF first so you hear each individual drum key instead of the pattern.

Posted : 15/02/2022 5:54 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

Recommended reading: Tutorial article from the "MONTAGifying Motif XF Performances" series: Link -- MONTAGifying Motif XF: Smooth Guitar

In this article we go over additional information about Drums and how they are implemented in the MONTAGE.

For example, the naming protocol... In the article it dissects the "Power Standard Kit 2" used in the "Smooth Guitar" Performance... There are actually five different Snare Drum samples in the Waveform assigned to Note "D1": "Sd PowerB 1-5St".

the "1-5St" means that this Snare Drum is a five-way velocity switching snare... and that it is apart of core kit sampled in stereo.
When you see a range of numbers after the Name - they typically define the number of samples in that particular Waveform.

You'll learn about how the Kits earn their overall names (each kit has what are referred to as 'principal drums'... these are 8 Keys (out of the 73) that give the Kit its personality.
After all, I know, and have played with and recorded many, many world class drummers and I can think of only one that had near a 73-piece Drum Kit (lol)

Extra Credit:
Please see the whole series as each article uses the Motif XF Performance data to introduce you to several programming areas of the MONTAGE engine.
These Performances are now apart of the MONTAGE Factory sound set (available to MODX via Download), but these articles date back to before they were installed via a firmware update. They attempt to take you on a tour of many features - and since the Motif XF data can easily be expanded on - it is a great way to experiment and learn about programming the MONTAGE

Link --

You can learn about routing individual Drums to separate audio Outputs in the "Rule the Earth" and "Altered States" articles

You can learn about how to separate Drums to individual Tracks using the MONTAGE Pattern Sequencer: DIVIDE DRUM TRACKs
Link --

Point of Order:
Maple is a hard wood (the color of the kit is not noted). Maple sounds different from Birch, which sounds very different from Oak (a really hard wood)...
No, they are not Pearl drums (lol) - at Yamaha, world's largest manufacturer of musical instruments, we have a factory full of drums and real experts at not only building drums but assessing the sound of drums.

Posted : 16/02/2022 3:48 pm

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