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Next firmware update — suggestions

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Maybe you missed a point.

I don´t think so.

I'm talking about the direct Performance Recorder in a Yamaha Montage

No, you didn´t. Instead you wrote:

A direct Performance Recorder does not Loop.

There was no mentioning of Montage. Your improper generalization was misleading. Roland implemented a direct performance recorder w/ loop function into their Juno-G a decade ago. They called it midi “recorder”--not sequencer--due to the fact that it only came with BASIC functions. Montage´s recorder even lacks those basic functions. My question is, why? Midi data is easy to handle. It´s not rocket science. Don´t get me wrong: the board´s sonic capabilites are awesome. The new arps are--in all likelihood--terrific. I love the sidechain function, i really do. This thing is a dream machine for edm heads like myself. I guess Montage is probably the best sounding synth ever, i´ll give you that. But you have to ask yourself: how can anyone record 16 tracks simultaneously, with only 2 hands and 2 feet?? There's no point in that! Once again: i´d buy a montage in a nanosecond if Yamaha expands the recorder´s functionality. I HATE TO USE MY LAPTOP JUST TO COPY A DAMNED CHORUS! 😀

I will pass along your request

Thanks a ton, Phil. I really appreciate it. (No irony here.) Keep up the good work.

Posted : 28/05/2016 3:14 pm
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New Member

Why not improve the Direct Performance Recorder? A loop function would be fun, the reface series has it. And I wish the 16 track recorder could be used as a simple sketch recorder. At times it's the most inspiring to not have to work with a second devices/look at a screen and lay down an idea quickly while being inspired, including being able to do overdub/multitrack. It's the single most requested feature, why not implemented? We get it, it's a direct performance recorder, designed to record one take while being inspired and then transfer to your DAW of choice to complete it. Wonderful. To be able to do this in a simple form on the Montage would be desirable as well however and is one of the most requested features missing at the moment. As a user I would prefer the option to have both, whatever fits the need better. More intricate complex exploration-DAW, spontaneous in the moment playing and recording- build in sequencer.
I will buy a Montage regardless because I like how it sounds and what it has to offer. I still hope that Yamaha will listen to their users and address their input in a future update.
Just my little voice echoing in the universe.

Posted : 28/05/2016 4:34 pm
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Element > Element LFO > LFO Wave > Saw

Needs to have an Ascending saw tooth wave in addition to the currently available Descending wave for those iconic ELP sounds!

Posted : 28/05/2016 5:24 pm
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Eminent Member

In the hope that it is passed along to the development team I repeat the suggestion given in
where the MIDI recorder is proposed to be enhanced as follow: The Play/Rec display has a row of 16 green buttons for Play On/Off for each of the 16 tracks. Add a similar row of red buttons for Record On/Off for each of the 16 tracks so Record can be toggled on and off for individual tracks, The arguments and benefits of this suggestion is given in the link above.

Posted : 28/05/2016 7:49 pm
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Eminent Member

Suggestion: Add a file transfer feature to the USB connection between Montage and a computer, so Montage can directly read from and write to the computer's disk, thereby avoiding having to use a flash drive. The file read/write feature should be able to handle all relevant files (User, Library, MIDI, Firmware update, applicable Motif XF files, etc). Benefit of this is that Montage files can reside on the computer and be automatically backed-up as part of the management of the computer without having to move a flash drive back and forth between the Montage and the computer. Apart from being inconvenient in general it is even more inconvenient if the Montage is partly under a desk like mine which means I have to dive under the Montage everytime the flash drive needs to be inserted or removed. Nord Stage 2 and Kurzweil Forte have direct file transfer as part of the USB connection to a computer so it should be possible to implement. Thanks for your consideration.

Posted : 28/05/2016 8:07 pm
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New Member

My first request:

When editing an initialized FM-X voice and selecting the Filter. Please have Thru at the top of the list with the other filter types listed below. I thought I was going crazy until someone showed me the up arrow just now. 😉

Posted : 29/05/2016 4:35 pm
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Make User Arp creation possible (again). Inside Montage, please.

Yamaha should have made arps in Montage more like RS7000-like phrases...
“The RS7000 provides an enormous database of 5980 preset phrases … just image the number of possible combinations. Also keep in mind the fact that once you’ve assembled the basic pattern, there are still countless ways in which the details can be changed to make the sound your own. Phrases are essentially pre-programmed parts for your patterns. The RS7000 comes with loads of preset phrases. All you have to do is select a pattern track, select the phrase you want to assign to that track, then repeat for as many tracks as you need. Of course, you can record your own phrases for use in patterns, too. Phrases can use voices from the RS7000’s internal tone generator, or samples in the RS7000’s sample memory.”
Having 10,000 preset phrases in Montage is great. But to have no chance (so far) to tweak them is very bad. The RS7000 for comparison: “there are countless ways in which the details can be changed.” Yamaha, please let Montage owners make their own arps within the board. You already provided 256 user arps slots. Thank you very much.

Posted : 29/05/2016 8:44 pm
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New Member

FIrmware wish list:

Just one for me..

Give us the option to choose to mean change of octave instead of transpose..

Currently, in order to use the tranpose function on the keyboard, have to press (octave/transpose).. That cripplied a lot of things since we cannot use just one hand to hit the tranpose button..

Please change the firmware so that we can modify the keyboard to tranpose by just pressing the button WITHOUT pressing the

Thanks for your consideration for the more junior keyboard players who are not completely fluent in the 12 keys yet..

Posted : 08/06/2016 12:44 am
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Active Member

For better waveform management a "Delete Unused Waveform" function would be good. Currently if you delete performances or parts that have waveforms attached, the waveforms remain after the performance/part is deleted. This is understood is another performance/part is using the waveform, but if not I want a easy way to clean this up.

Posted : 08/06/2016 2:49 am
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Reputable Member

Also, a small request here. Allow for the ladder LEDs on the side of the sliders to remain lit below the peak value. Like you'd typically see on a metering display. The single lit lights are hard to see. Or add the option to choose either way. Thanks

Posted : 08/06/2016 4:05 am
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Active Member

Can I second (or third, whatever!) the request for the performance recorder to have a loop feature? I really like using this live in my Reface DX and as I see the Montage as mainly a live performance instrument it would be really helpful feature to have. I can happily live without full-blown sequencers etc, but just a 'loop' option shouldn't be too hard to add. Pretty please? 🙂

Posted : 08/06/2016 2:57 pm
Posts: 603
Prominent Member

Hi David.
On the filter page :

When you press on the filter type, you will see the list in "tab" form, just press on the bottom of the list on the grid icon :

The "grid" view will allow you to choose quickly your filter :

It's work for all list view on the Montage, use it, it's quick and helpfull 😉

Posted : 08/06/2016 5:02 pm
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New Member

I'd like to see some enhancements to the transpose feature. I use it a lot on live gigs, and I have to quickly set it or cancel it. Having made the overall synth transpose require the SHIFT button has complicated my life, in that A) it takes two hands and is cumbersome; and B) I can't tell I've transposed at a glance (it requires pressing the SHIFT button). Too easy to forget in the heat of the moment. Better to not know I'm an octave off than a semitone or more

1) A configurable transpose/octave default for the SHIFT key (i.e., allow me to change the default +/- keys to Transpose)
2) Allow me to press EDIT when in a live set, and set the pitch shift for each of the 16 slots. I could use a performance 10 times in a live set with 10 different pitch settings, for example. That would be SO awesome. I hate that I have to chew up user bank slots to create unique performances with different tuning
3) Provide a configurable common pitch shift in a performance, so that it could be set and applied to performance/audition/both. Right now, if I want to shift the pitch of a performance, and someone created it with parts that are already shifted +/-12, I can't adjust the part any further, and therefore I can't shift the performance pitch due to that one part's limitation

Posted : 15/06/2016 7:35 pm
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Eminent Member

Can parts not be pitch shifted by + - 24? And can you get further note shifting by altering the coarse tuning for the elements within the parts?

Posted : 15/06/2016 9:21 pm
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New Member

I hope requests here get through to Yamaha. I don't own a Montage and I realize that requests made by non-owners probably carry less weight. But these contribute to my decision to buy one:
1. Allow the MIDI channel to be set for each part of a performance. (I'm kind of surprised they didn't get this right. Maybe they ran out of time.)
2. Allow the times of the FM-X envelope segments to be modulated by key velocity.

Posted : 16/06/2016 4:37 am
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