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Posts: 118
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I wish to record panel movements from super knob Alt function buttons, as well any other controls out via MIDI to a hardware synth workstation. I have tried this, but the superknob etc were not recorded...just mod wheel pitch bend. Can it be done?

Does the new M handle this differently?


Posted : 22/05/2024 1:15 am
Posts: 7961
Illustrious Member

Right, when you spin superknob the assignable knobs that are connected and react do not themselves transmit MIDI.


There are lots of times I wish they did.  At some point I asked for CCs to be a destination so I could use an assignable knobs as a source and output CC values as a result.   Having everything documented at once (all 72 assignable knobs) would probably flood MIDI 1.0 so being able to pick and choose would solve most of my use cases without flooding.


I don't know for sure, but I don't think M changes this.


In the case of Superknob controlled Assignable knobs you could cheat and just track superknob then have software "generate" CC responses that mirror the knobs.  Something like BOME or Ctrlr.  That doesn't account for all of the other controls that don't always transmit any MIDI.


I'm just offering there may be a subset of what you want available with some external help.


There's also DAW remote if you want a more 1:1 although that's far from what you asked for.  But may present another angle depending on what you're trying to accomplish.

Posted : 22/05/2024 4:27 am
Posts: 118
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Thank Jason for the info. I had assumed that when recording to Cubase via USB, all physical controls are recorded, otherwise, what would be the point of a so-called direct interface in Cubase? Please correct me here, as I'm sure I will have missed something.

Posted : 22/05/2024 5:44 pm
Posts: 7961
Illustrious Member

Superknob is recorded so when you play that back, the connected assignable knobs follow as they should.

If you manually spin assignable knobs they will either send CC or SYSEX depending on the "mode" of the knobs.   Therefore, to record everything you need to be sure to enable sysex capture in Cubase.


Posted : 23/05/2024 6:03 am

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