Anyone know of a schematic drawing with dimensions of the Montage - or where I could get one...?
I am having a custom studio/home workstation built for it and need exact measurements - including the key (white) height.
This other thread is not going to help answer your need - but does show that the need for mechanical drawings of the Montage has come up before and perhaps something worthwhile for Yamaha to document. I guess anyone with a ruler and calipers can arrive at a reasonable set of dimensions - but enabling the studio builders with a "blueprint" would be good form.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
You should contact the Customer Support folks by phone... they may have access to such information. It is not provided in the instruments documentation... any of the major case companies will have that information so it does exist.