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Similar opinions over on Yamaha Musician thinking waiting game is silly

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So Montage stock is gone all over the globe yet it's still (not) the flagship (anymore).

We all know what's up so just tell us something.

Many of us are waiting to buy it so seems reasonable to be nice to us. Your friends are not your enemy.

How about take one of those mystical photos of it in shimmering black light with only a few letters showing and some knobs, etc.

Something fun instead of the screaming silence.

I sold my Montage right after the Smart Morph in anticipation of a replacement so it's been a real long time for me.

Posted : 27/04/2023 3:22 am
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All the speculation and chatter about a new Montage actually benefits Yamaha because it keeps people interested and more often than not excited as well until the new Flagship arrives on the scene. Some will get discouraged because of the potentially long delay, but when it's finally revealed the discouragement could very well turn into bliss, especially if it meets or beats expectations. So don't get discouraged, number one. It's basically true that you can't find the Montage currently in stock anywhere online or in stores. Although, I did find one 88-key Montage in stock on Amazon yesterday, but they were asking $600 more than the current street price. I'm sure Yamaha is diligently working to provide the best product(s) possible to their customers and potential customers, but of course it's on their time schedule, not ours. They say, patience is a virtue. It has also been said, "Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle." If Yamaha waits too long, other products from other companies could arrive on the scene, and Yamaha might lose customers to the competition. Yamaha undoubtedly realizes that scenario, so I, for one, expect a new Flagship keyboard/synth from Yamaha in the near future. Time will tell.

Posted : 27/04/2023 2:59 pm
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There are plenty of reasons companies can be wary about pre-announcing things. Simply announcing when something will be available could unnecessarily provide advantageous to a competitor, to say nothing of if they actually say anything about the future product's features/capabilities. And if the date is missed (which can easily happen if it hasn't actually gone into production yet), they will have angry customers to deal with, people who perhaps based their buying decisions on what turned out to be erroneous info. And in the mean time, an announcement of something coming could stifle sales of the products that the company is currently shipping. That's not to say that there might not also be times when it may be advantageous to pre-announce something, based on the competitive landscape. I would expect a company to look at the particular situation to decide whether it's better to announce something or not. (It's not about whether it's better for you, it's about whether it's better for them and their dealers.)

It's also possible that no Montage replacement is coming near-term. And it is pretty rare for a company to announce what it's not doing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted : 27/04/2023 3:37 pm
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I could understand if we're talking a year out or even 6 months, then obviously that is premature however if it's one month out probably not going to make any difference. Not like they have to release the specs either just tell us what and when a more official full presentation is coming doesn't have to be a shipping/availability date. The name and type machine or photos wouldn't give any much of the internal secrets. Y'all don't even know what's inside the MODX+ and it's been available for a while. I still think the price point proves what's in it. They can't hide secret capabilities yet give is away for free just so they can surprise everyone later. Some of those potential buyers might decide to wait for the new synth. anyway.

I bought the CK just to audition it. I would probably keep it except why should I when I already have the YC and SKpro and the new synth would pair nicely. The CK is awesome for $999 but that money can pay 1/4th of the new synth. We all can freely decide not to buy something because we know or think something else is coming. That will always hold true.

The transition could follow the trend on the MODX to MODX+ but then again no was was expecting that I assume. Probably more like the trend of the Montage release but who can remember 7 years ago? The one thing we all know for certain is that you can't find and Montage and Yamaha has moved it out of the pole position. It's obviously Yamaha who is signaling a change to all of us.

I could be wrong but I think when Genos was coming there was a dark photo released of faders, etc. At least that was something to see. Genos is still pretty new in comparison to the Montage and those aren't typically released simultaneously. Is the Genos still in stock around the globe? Looks like SW has it in stock. I'm not expecting Genos2 ahead of a new flagship synth. and I'm not really expecting nothing to be released.

Posted : 27/04/2023 4:12 pm
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[quotePost id=121483]So Montage stock is gone all over the globe yet it's still (not) the flagship (anymore).

We all know what's up so just tell us something.

Many of us are waiting to buy it so seems reasonable to be nice to us. Your friends are not your enemy.

How about take one of those mystical photos of it in shimmering black light with only a few letters showing and some knobs, etc.

Something fun instead of the screaming silence.

I sold my Montage right after the Smart Morph in anticipation of a replacement so it's been a real long time for me. [/quotePost]

Seriously David you need to get a life. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you have a question about your keyboard there are plenty of people here willing to help, but these unending posts about basically the same thing??? Not only that but you seem to spend most of your time answering your own post(s). Meaningless.

Posted : 27/04/2023 4:39 pm
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I like the folks on Yamaha Musicians Forum. However, even some of their members think this never ending anticipation and discussion is getting old. Same thing on PSR Tutorial Forum and the next Genos. Some of the speculation is based on really tenuous inferences.

Maybe think about peace and world hunger?

This is all tiresome and I've been getting grumpy -- pj ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Posted : 27/04/2023 4:56 pm
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The speculation over there went on for 31 pages. My tiny few pale in comparison. It's all in good fun but you don't have to reply or even read it if it bothers you that much. It's all part of my rock and roll fantasy! So realistically it's been 7 freak'in years. We all deserve some information but we wouldn't be speculating had Yamaha been a little responsive rather than in denial stating that Montage is still a thing when no one can purchase it. That is also very annoying to us and especially me who have bought almost every synth, stage, arranger, rompler, sampler etc. they have produced. I'm not really that upset because we know the process but it's "fun" after 7 years to complain about it.

Posted : 27/04/2023 5:41 pm
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[quotePost id=121498]I could understand if we're talking a year out or even 6 months, then obviously that is premature however if it's one month out probably not going to make any difference. [/quotePost]
Yamaha announced the CK about 3 weeks before it became available. So let's say Yamaha agrees with your "about a month" timeframe as reasonable. Then the answer could simply be that the Montage replacement (assuming it is to exist) is more than that far out.

Posted : 27/04/2023 5:42 pm
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So yes if the speculation is correct concerning June availability then in May we will hear something. Or if July then, June etc. if one month is the magic timeframe. Thus we're left in the dark but the key is how long between inventory and production halting and the announcement? That's the only link we have currently. Common sense tells me that Yamaha would want the fewest number of days possible between no inventory and replacement inventory.

Posted : 27/04/2023 5:56 pm
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Someone said they were told September concerning the Montage. Whether new or old that's probably about right. Not sure but assumed a dealer told them September and not Yamaha. I'm also assuming that means inventory ETA. Might mean an announcement in August which is still a long while. Some of us might not live that long so hurry it up. It does make sense to fill in the transition gap with the release of the CK.

Posted : 04/05/2023 5:01 am
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[quotePost id=121619]It does make sense to fill in the transition gap with the release of the CK. [/quotePost]
I doubt one thing had anything to do with the other. But as for it being September, since you like rumors, someone in another forum just posted that they expect it to be January. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Based on the video at at close to the 3 minute mark.

Posted : 04/05/2023 11:48 am
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[quotePost id=121626]I doubt one thing had anything to do with the other. But as for it being September, since you like rumors, someone in another forum just posted that they expect it to be January. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Based on the video at at close to the 3 minute mark.[/quotePost]
Some people on here and Yamaha Musicians forum are really going to lose their sh!te if something doesn't drop in September and they have to wait until January! :p

Posted : 04/05/2023 11:58 am
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So Yamaha is going to go without any synth profits for almost a year and aren't making the Montage anymore? That drop could be concerning the Genos and not the Montage. That makes sense that the CK is filling in some gap and will sell a bunch. So that will be 8 years since Montage back in 2016. Perhaps if they are experiencing delays and lags and parts/chips shortages. If they want to bury Roland's Fantom they will have to pull some rabbits out of their hat. That comment goes against Blake's comment saying this year would be special and he generally speaks of keyboards and not other gear that I know of. I like CK okay but that's not the special or groundbreaking sort of thing. I'll play my CK, YC, SKpro, Fantom, OPsix, CP1 until something comes available. Don't forget there could be a YC+ too. Instead of dumbing down it makes more sense to smarten it up more like CK but more bells and whistles. A double YC under one hood would be nice. Ease of use UI and ultimate simplicity with optional customization and some localized design of voices is probably the future.

Posted : 04/05/2023 3:49 pm
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[quotePost id=121630]So Yamaha is going to go without any synth profits for almost a year and aren't making the Montage anymore? [/quotePost]
I think their synth division will do just fine. I suspect that the profit of 9 months of CK sales for the year will be greater than the profit would have been on 9 months of additional Montage availability. Yeah it's cheaper, but will sell in higher volume.

The long wait may frustrate you, but maybe you can console yourself in the thought that, when it does come, you'll probably be disappointed anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Posted : 04/05/2023 3:57 pm
Posts: 831
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It is a bit odd right now that there's really no Yamaha "Flagship" synth available for purchase in many areas. If I were in the market for a new Synth (not a YC, CK, CP, Genos, etc.), there are only 2 options right now, which appear to be the Fantom and the Nautilus... I guess there are a few music stores on the planet with stock, so I maybe could have it shipped from overseas. But would that cost extra on shipping?

Not sure why Yamaha have such a gap in availability for the Montage..!? Especially if nothing new comes until September or January even... Odd, but interesting. Glad I'm not in the market right now, as I wouldn't want to settle and get a Fantom or Nautilus, but wouldn't want to wait too long either. I don't have any good advice for someone in that situation... ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

A bit off topic, but as I mention the YC, CK, CP, I think the YC is probably a bit of competitor to the Nords, as it is basically a Stage keyboard that does organs and pianos well, along with layering other synth sounds, etc. I wonder how much the YC (especially with the latest OS update) has taken away from Nord sales..? Perhaps the MODX+ is dipping into Nord's sales as well..!?

Posted : 04/05/2023 5:56 pm
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