Hi to all,
I bought the soundset "Blue Man Group" today and installed it with USB. Everything looks fine and I can seach & find the individual Performances.
BUT: where are the mentioned (5?) Life Sets? There is nothing as I know it from the "Boesendรถrfer" soundset.
Any ideas?
Hi i never hear of the >> SOUND SET "BLUE MAN GROUP" LIFE SETS << ??? where did you purchased this ??
i have purchase all the new Yamaha Montage sound sets from [easy sounds. ] and all these new sound sets are awesome and works perfect . !! i also have all the [easy sounds] yamaha motif xoa & x3a versions that i also did load in the montage but the sounds are not the same as in the Montage
-X7L- sound libraries versions in my opinion the [easy sounds] are the most complete and best sound quality and always included with Single Part Performances Multi Part Performances and Arranged Performances (with Scenes) . >>
The Blueman Group Soundset (synthesizer voice library) is an official release for Montage. See the thread:
for more details.
Remember yamahamusicsoft.com hosts libraries for the Montage.
Your Blueman Group Soundset should be an installed library that brings with it the following 16 performances:
2 Two Handed PVC
3 Drumulum & Tubulum
4 Big Drums & Smasher
5 Decentered
6 Motor Mouth
7 Syncopator
8 Bellular Tubes 1
9 Bellular Tubes 2
10 Holding Pattern
11 SlipNSlide Laser Tag
12 Spin Painting
13 Flotation Tank
14 Eye Contact
15 Binaural Trigger
16 Motivator
and adds 36 new waveforms that the above performances utilize. This information was taken from the yamahamusicsoft page and should match what I imagine is a PDF that came with the set.
As far as the Bosendorfer set - that's another set entirely. It was (and still is) offered as a free library expansion to the Montage. The Blueman Group Soundset, on the other hand, is an at-cost expansion library. The only similarity between the Bosendorfer set and the Blueman Group Soundset is both would be installed in a similar manner. So if you've successfully installed the Bosendorfer set, then the installation of the Blueman Group Soundset would be similar in steps followed.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R
doubled post, sorry
doubled post again, sorry...
Thanks for answering. The installation is similar to Bosendorfer but the instruction sheet is very horrible. It seems that there is something missing. Please see the attaheced file which are marked in red. There`s also mentioned "You can switch the five pages of the Live Set โBlue Man Group MONTAGE.X7Lโ by using the Keys and . On each page, select the desired Performance..." but there is no Life Set after installation. I can find "Blue Man Group" only in Banks. That`s what I mean. Any ideas?
Hi, i do not have this sound set but for Live Set.
To navigate on Live Set banks :
- First you have Preset Live Set bank : Best of Montage .....
- After you have the 8 user banks of Live set.
- After you find the Library Live Set bank if there is Live set in your Library's
So after the User 8 Live Set bank :
You will normally find your Library's Live Set Banks, here for me Ultimate Analog is my first Library Live Set Bank
picture of my first library live set bank on my montage
You can navigate on the screen on Live Set Mode you can also use the solo/mute Buttons to navigate in Live Set mode :
picture of right buttons panel to navigate when you are on live set mode
- Top solo/mute allow to change Live set bank
- Bottom solo button to navigate on the 16 pages of each bank.
- Buttons 1-4 on each 4 range allow you to select Live set pad
Hope it's help, normaly if there is Live Set for this bank, you will find it after User 8 bank, depend how many library live set you have.
Ps sorry but the option to include pictures link on the post does not work, so i put them like a url link, click on each link to see the picture.
Thanks for your reply Joel
I've listened the demo of Blue Man Group soundest and it sounds great.
Unfortunately the markup of the documentation attached filled in the circles instead of circling around the original text. For some reason, none of the "key numbers" are showing up on the document here - including one you did not circle. So it's hard to say if the document is incorrect - although they could have done a better job at showing touchscreen screenshots to guide you through the same process.
Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R