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Super Knob Midi

3 Posts
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It's been mentioned in another discussion that all the knobs and sliders send data out the midi ports, but I've been having trouble getting my DAW (Cubase Pro 8.5) to register any data from the super knob. It's also been mentioned in another discussion that since the super knob controls other controllers that it's control data is output in the form of sysex. I unchecked the sysex filter in the Cubase preferences to that end. Unfortunately, I still don't get anything on the recording track while controlling the super knob. What am I missing? Can I just play the notes while using the super knob and record that to my DAW? I don't care about recording the other eight knobs or sliders. I would just as soon let the Montage handle that. In order for that to happen, my recording just needs to have the notes, basic sustain controller and super knob data being sent out to the Montage. So, the question is, how do I record the super knob on my DAW?

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.


Posted : 24/05/2016 1:19 am
Posts: 0
Trusted Member

These are the settings that I’ve used - Super Knob moves are recorded and played back, as well as individual knobs, scenes, sliders, mod wheel, ARP ON/OFF, and MOTION SEQ ON/OFF. (That’s all I’ve tested for so far).


Audio I/O:
Direct Monitor ON

Clock Out OFF
Local Control OFF
Arp MIDI out ON
Receive ON
Transmit ON

MIDI Thru active - checked
MIDI Filter - all unchecked
Project Synchronization MIDI clock destination set to MONTAGE Port 1

To record, use single track in Cubase with input and output set to MONTAGE Port 1, and channels set to ANY.

To play back first reset the performance by moving away from it and back to it. (I press the INC followed by the DEC buttons).

When playing back you can optionally dissolve the parts. I have found it plays back properly either dissolved or not. When dissolving, mute the original track.

(As an aside, if working with plugins such as Omnisphere etc, you have to set Arp MIDI out to OFF).

That’s it. Worked for me. πŸ™‚

Posted : 24/05/2016 2:18 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12304

That should do it.

If you are using the DAW as master clock set the MIDI SYNC = MIDI

When you set the Cubase MIDI FILTER do not forget to click APPLY before you click OK to close the screen.
Also if you want to record a Multi Part Performance make sure your single track is to Channel = "ANY" or if you are recording a single instrument sound that is spread across multiple Part you'll want set the MIDI I/O to SINGLE and choose a single channel.

You really didn't say which Performance you are recording or what you wanted to record next, there are different strategies for what you might want to accomplish...

If you are recording a PERFORMANCE without an Arpeggio you can use the QUICK SETUP = 1 MIDI REC on DAW
If you are using Arpeggios in a Multi-Part PERFORMANCE you should use QUICK SETUP = 2 ARP REC on DAW and use the MIDI I/O = MULTI.

Posted : 24/05/2016 2:24 am

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