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The Lost Guitar Sound

6 Posts
3 Users
Michael Trigoboff
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Honorable Member
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I was working on a Cubase project a few weeks ago and I found a great single Part guitar Performance in the Montage to add to the Performance associated with the Cubase project. Unfortunately, when I saved the Cubase project I apparently forgot to upload the updated Performance into the Montage Connect part of the Cubase project before I saved it.

So now I need to find that guitar Performance again. All I remember is that the insert effects for the guitar Part were a Wah effect and a Tremolo effect. I have been looking through my Montage this afternoon, but I haven’t found the guitar part I remember.

Does anyone know which Performance this might be? Is there a way to do a search based on the specific insert effects?


Posted : 02/11/2021 10:31 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
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Found it finally after a few hours. Performance name is “Good Night.“

Still curious if anyone knows of a way to search for a Performance by effect type.

Posted : 02/11/2021 10:46 pm
Posts: 8051
Illustrious Member

Is there a way to do a search based on the specific insert effects?


If you wanted to do something like this using a computer you could bulk dump every Performance and parse the settings related to the various effect types. This would be slow and would probably be better to bulk dump all Performances - save them off to your computer - then parse through the data on your computer and never bulk dump again from the instrument unless there's a firmware update where you need to update your on-computer data set for parsing.

Posted : 02/11/2021 10:49 pm
Michael Trigoboff
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Or maybe write some code to search through a backup file.

Or, given that I found it manually, do music instead…. 😀

Posted : 03/11/2021 5:49 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I vote “do music instead….:D”
…not that I couldn’t use such a thing, but since I’ve been here many times (trying to remember a sound I was working on, or that was a good example of a particular feature) — I’ve found that as soon as I start working on sound design, any candidates for exploration, I immediately mark as “Favorite”.

You can clear the Favorites at the start of your sound design session, and start marking the items as you go… this greatly narrows the search.
I might want to try several merge candidates - and when they are marked as Favorites it makes it easy to access them when necessary.

Posted : 04/11/2021 2:07 pm
Michael Trigoboff
Posts: 0
Honorable Member
Topic starter

That’s a good idea, using the Favorites feature.

Another method would be to use John Melas’ Total Librarian software to keep the Performances you want to keep track of in a Performance Library file on your computer.

I screwed up because I forgot to hit the Keyboard To Computer button in Montage Connect before I saved the Cubase project file. (I had Auto Sync turned off.)

Posted : 05/11/2021 6:50 am

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