I think it is wonderful that the developers at Yamaha continue to improve workstations. I really don't know why any hobbyist would ever buy one, though. I bought an MOX6, which I really like, but within a couple months the MOXF6 came out. Now the whole Motif line will be out of date. If I was a pro I might afford a new board, but it too will be almost worthless within a few months. I think a lot more sales would be there if there was some kind of upgrade program. Will there ever be one?
Hi Mark
Thanks for your question, it's an interesting one.
Some of this exists in the way of firmware updates and content. For example, the MotifXF had a firmware update that added an entirely new set of HD reverbs and guitar effects for free. There have also been many free sets of content available. In fact, we just announced Soundmondo for the reface keyboards that has over 1500 free sounds (as of right now.)
In terms of being able to upgrade your existing hardware and add (or maybe even subtract) functionality, it's an intriguing idea. Thanks for sharing your opinion!
I agree and was also thinking of the same thing. I just got my MOXF6 over the holidays and I hear of Montage this and that. I too am a hobbyist and not a pro.
It's also about learning how to use your own current instrument - the one you've committed to by buying it - to its fullest, not always having the newest. There is often a lot of power locked away, hidden capabilities, tricks to make it do more, much of it never to be found by a user who keeps changing synths.
....But the newest ones can be very tempting, especially when we know so little about one! We'll know more in less than a week.
Guys don't get too carried away. If you have an MOXF you already have the best mid-range keyboard on the market. I have tried and tested offerings from Korg and Roland and although they are nice boards in their own way, the MOXF was a clear winner. It will do everything you want it to do...which I'm guessing is why you bought it? Also you have the option of Flash ram to add yet more sounds and samples. It's not the fastest at loading onto the flash but of course once it's there it's instantly available and always there even after you power off. This gives the MOXF a massive amount of longevity that other boards don't have. Right now, there is no better keyboard in that price range.
The Montage does indeed look fantastic and if you didn't already have a keyboard so were buying now I would say it's worth looking at. However until more details are released and we know the pricing, it may well turn out to be either too expensive or perhaps doesn't not provide everything you "need" from a board.
If it's about simply making great music though, your MOXF/MOX will do that. Adding more tech won't make anyone a better musician. It's what you do with it that counts, not how long the spec sheet is.
what about a rack version? it should be a good way to "upgrade"...
Adding more tech won't make anyone a better musician.
I can record a solo on my XF7 with the song set to a very slow tempo and then render it to audio at a much faster tempo. This doesn't make me a better musician, but it sure as heck makes me sound like a better musicianβ¦
Nate wrote:
Some of this exists in the way of firmware updates and content. For example, the MotifXF had a firmware update that added an entirely new set of HD reverbs and guitar effects for free.
The MOXF has the same DSP Effects as the XF had before its update.
As the MOXF claims to be fully sound compatible with the XF and even shares the same SWP51 sound chips, It hardware wise has also the same DSP capabilities as the XF.
So can we MOXF users hope for a similar update too? To bebome fully sound compatible again?