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Upgrade PSR-A3000 to Genos or Montage

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Hi Everyone,

I am thinking of upgrading to Genos 2.0 for its new cool features. But since I primarily compose in Persian/Iranian music, I am wondering, if Genos contains all voices (I hope with better quality) and styles of PSR-A3000.

One step further for connection my DAW ( Cubase), I wish this was possible to upgrade with Montage. But it seems it is even more limited! It seems it is also possible to play styles with Montage, but then I need to create the styles and even if I transfer my PSR styles I need to tweak them in Montage. I wish I could connect my PSR to Montage and see 32 audio channels in my DAW.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Posted : 03/01/2021 12:56 am
Posts: 8050
Illustrious Member

Montage isn't compatible with the PSR/Genos styles.

Posted : 03/01/2021 4:22 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

I primarily compose in Persian/Iranian music, I am wondering, if Genos contains all voices (I hope with better quality) and styles of PSR-A3000

This is YamahaSynth, unfortunately, this site does not support the PSR products, nor does it support Genos, (Both are considered Digital Workstation keyboards) but fortunately for you can download the Owner’s Manuals and Data List booklet (pdf) and do your own comparisons. Go to

We can give you some advice: if you like everything about the PSR-A3000 you should stick with a Digital Workstation (rather than switching to a Music Synthesizer, like MONTAGE)...
Also to anticipate that you’ll find everything the PSR-A3000 does in any other product you will likely be disappointed.

Moving to the MONTAGE is not remotely similar... it’s a complete change in keyboard category.

Highly recommend you download and simply take a look at the Manuals of the products you’ve mentioned (they’re free). Moving from a PSR to a Genos will not require you learn a lot of new terminology — in fact, you will completely understand almost everything that is being discussed. They have a similar pedigree. Even the front panel layout will be completely familiar...

Then download and read the MONTAGE documentation... and you will quickly see, that you have landed on a completely different planet! No STYLE engine, no Fill-in buttons, etc., etc., etc. The entire focus of the MONTAGE Music Synthesizer is very (very) different. If the PSR and Genos were water vehicles, the MONTAGE is a vehicle that flies... different rules, different approach, different purpose. Different customer. Sure there is overlap they are all vehicles (keyboards), but from what you describe you do you may want to stick to the category.

Posted : 03/01/2021 11:35 am
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Thank you guys for the response.

Alright, what if I don't care about the styles. What is important for me are 1) the sounds and 2) more important integration with Cubase. May I load specific sound on PSR to Montage ( or possibly have the same or better quality on Montage)?

Posted : 03/01/2021 2:19 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

There is no compatibility between PSR sounds and the MONTAGE.

Opinions about sound are subjective (means that is unanswerable by anyone but *you*) what you think is a “better” flute or “better“ string is purely your opinion. We’ll leave that to you.

We’d need more information about what you wish to accomplish with the DAW, Cubase.

Posted : 03/01/2021 2:23 pm
Posts: 0
New Member
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There is no compatibility between PSR sounds and the MONTAGE.

Opinions about sound are subjective (means that is unanswerable by anyone but *you*) what you think is a “better” flute or “better“ string is purely your opinion. We’ll leave that to you.

We’d need more information about what you wish to accomplish with the DAW, Cubase.

About the voices, I suppose if Montage have the voices, Montage most probably sounds better as PSR has much less memory. The internal ram is 512MB. I can only install one expansion on it! But not sure, if I can have all the ethnic sounds on my PSR-A3000 on Montage. Does Montage have Expansion/USER sections for voices? Maybe I can export and convert PSR voices to a format that are compatible with Montage for import.

Basically, have Montage as an external synth and use its audio channels and its voices. Say can I defined 16 VST instruments (Cubase midi+Audio combo). Currently, with PSR one can only define one VSTi at a time. This will be a huge time saver for me. I would like to have a better (ideally seamless) integration between Cubase and Montage!

Thank you.

Posted : 03/01/2021 6:14 pm

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