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Help! File Load Error

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I'm a relative newbie to the Motif/MOXF world so pardon if my question seem to be too elementary. I'm trying to load a single voice to my MOXF6 from the Inspiration in a Flash library following the instructions provided here in Unfortunately, I get an error : "No Flash Memory Module installed or module is unformatted". It first says that it is loading the selected voice, then after a while it will show that error message. I just wanted to try out the voices and I really don't have the optional flash board mounted.

I was of the impression that I can load them into any of the USR slots. I also don't mind having to reload them again when I turn the keyboard off and on again.

Really looking for guidance from the experts in this forum. Would greatly appreciate it, thanks!


Posted : 03/04/2016 5:30 am
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

The error message is fairly clear, what it is telling you (and it is true) is that the MOXF requires a Flash Board properly installed in order for you to load the data you are attempting to load. One huge difference between the Motif XF and the MOXF is that the Motif XF has RAM. RAM like in your computer is Random Access Memory, basically a temporary workspace that can hold sample data, allowing the user in thus case to audition new sample data.

The MOXF does not have this workspace. And while it can load samples it does so by writing the audio samples (and the Waveforms that organize them) directly to the Flash Board. If you have no Flash Board you cannot load the "Inspiration in a Flash" data or any data that require new Waveforms and Samples. If you wish to load this data it requires a Flash Board.

In the Motif and MOXF series Voices go to User banks, Waveforms and Samples (that are used to make up the Oscillator) are directed to the Flash memory. The Waveform List serves as a catalog that is used by the synth engine to locate and recall the correct audio for the Voice.

A voice is made up of all these components, the filter, the filter EG, the amplifier, the AEG, the effect settings, the pan position, etc, etc., all together an our 2KB of settings. The one that is huge is the Oscillator (a set of digital recordings used to make up the vibration of the instrument... In a piano it is a set of many a couple of hundred individual audio recordings done at 44,100 samples per second) samples can be huge in size. This is why the take a long time to loud.

Like counting from 1 to 2000 compared to counting 1 to 64 million.

Voice parameters are about 2KB of data, while a single audio sample can vary in size from 100Kb to as much as 64MB of data. This why the large audio data can take a long time to load. So Flash allows you to place this potentially large data in a rewriteable memory where it can remain after power is turned off and back on on.

2Kb is relatively tiny while 64 MB is huge. Use money to truly understand the difference.
2Kb is two thousand... Imagine you and your band get a gig and it pays $2000 - cool, nice gig
Now imagine your band gets a gig and it pays $64,000,000
The difference in size becomes clear. The last time I had to count $64,000,000 it took me a long time 🙂

Hope that helps.

Posted : 03/04/2016 11:33 am
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Many thanks Bad Mister for the comprehensive reply. Really appreciate your time. Your response certainly helps a lot! So I guess I misunderstood it when I thought I could load voices without having the optional flash module installed. Any suggestions where I can buy a compatible flash board for the MOXF6?

Again, many thanks!

Posted : 03/04/2016 1:37 pm
Bad Mister
Posts: 12303

This really depends on where in the world you are located. You can begin your search on the Internet or with your local Yamaha authorized retail store.

Posted : 03/04/2016 2:00 pm

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