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Status of MOXF series? Still manufactured or old stock?

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I own a few MOXF6 keyboards and one MOXF8. For my needs and at my age (and after a short try-out of the MODX) I decided to simply keep using the MOXF until, well... one of us dies!

But I'm very confused about the status of the MOXF series in terms of manufacturing. My understanding was that the MOXF6 would continue being built (i.e. and it's inclusion as a non-Legacy instrument on these forums would seem to confirm that) but that the MOXF8 would be phased out. I've been using MOX and MOXF keyboards since practically their inception and was sad to hear this. Never-the-less, I bought a brand new in the box MOXF8 from Guitar Center in Durham/Raleigh area in March 2020.

When it began exhibiting strange, sluggish behavior within the transport system I decided I'd better get it to a technician right away, while the warranty was still in force.

I went to the local authorized technician recommended by the Guitar Center store and he began trying to reproduce the problem, which was intermittent. He eventually contacted a technician at Yamaha in California for some advice and was told that the MOXF8 was discontinued quite long ago and even expressed doubt that I had found and bought a new-in-the-box MOXF8 at all, questioning the veracity of the serial number, etc. -- AND warned that the 1 year warranty may be moot since parts are no longer being made for the MOXF8.

(I was out of the country by that time and was never quite sure if the intermittent issues I had been experiencing on my NEW MOXF8 were detected or whether anything was even done about it, due to the odd battle between Yamaha and my technician. A friend eventually claimed the keyboard for me and I believe some circuit board was replaced. I have yet to test it out since I only recently returned to the U.S.)

Cut to: Two and a half years later. I go into the Guitar Center and see that they are selling a brand new, in the box MOXF8. They are also advertising MOXF6's. Meanwhile, though, at Sweetwater they are saying, Sorry, the MOXF6 is no longer available.

So what gives here?

Posted : 23/10/2022 3:31 pm
Posts: 8352
Illustrious Member

I see new MOXF8 units in stock at various retailers (at least using the web, Sweetwater wasn't one of these). MOXF6 is more difficult to find. Sweetwater online shows a page saying MOXF6 is no longer available and there's no page for the MOXF8. However, maybe as Bill mentioned you can call to get "off menu" units.

Guitar Center/Musician's Friend shows stock of MOXF8
WWBW (woodwind brasswind) shows stock of MOXF8
Music & Arts has a MOXF8 page that says no stock but backordered implying new stock will arrive someday

Thomann Music doesn't list either
Andertons Music doesn't list either
Sam Ash doesn't list either
ZZsounds doesn't list either
American Music Supply doesn't list either

It may be that getting new ones from Yamaha is either difficult or impossible but bigger "chains" may have new stock they're shuffling around between brick-and-mortar retailers until they sell out.

It looks like if I wanted to get a MOXF8 today, I could pick one up locally at GC. I wasn't able to find the MOXF6 - but, again, calling various places may yield better results than online searches.

Once that well is dry the used market does have availability -- that's a bit of a gamble as you know. But there are MOXF6 and MOXF8 units to be had at the typical places (reverb, major chain's used inventory, ebay, etc).

Whatever the "real" answer is - the door is certainly closing on the ability to procure a brand new MOXF.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 23/10/2022 5:40 pm
Posts: 823
Prominent Member

[quotePost id=118895]Guitar Center/Musician's Friend shows stock of MOXF8
WWBW (woodwind brasswind) shows stock of MOXF8
Music & Arts has a MOXF8 page that says no stock but backordered implying new stock will arrive someday[/quotePost]
...and those companies are all part of the same company.

For some time, now, I believe those have been the only dealers with the MOXF8, and sweetwater has been the only one with the MOXF6. One possibility is that these companies either made a deal to buy out Yamaha's existing stock of these models after the MODX came out, or that they put together exclusive deals to have these units periodically manufactured just for them. But once the MODX came out, it was soon impossible to get a new MOXF except for those models from those particular outlets, I believe.

Posted : 23/10/2022 6:13 pm
Posts: 8352
Illustrious Member

... I listed M&A and WWBW only because the stock indicators differed. Usually I lump these together as "the same". And since M&A has different brick and mortar shops here (by that I mean pricing, sales, etc) than GC I tend to put M&A in a different bucket.

Even Musician's friend vs GC sometimes has better support for tracking down equipment even though they're tied fairly tightly to the hip.

I think if you're a retailer without old stock or without some special contract with Yamaha - you could be correct in saying the product is discontinued. At least, discontinued and unavailable for your store.

Motif XF prices aren't half bad either and the keybed holds up better than the MOXF. Particularly for the 88. If you can stand the added weight. There's no new option there (unless you get extremely lucky) - but I think they are overall less problematic (even used). The Motif also gives you the XF7 option which I have found is a good compromise in weight vs. available keys.

The Motif would give you all the same general features - plus more. And the non-touch color screen provides a nice interface. My opinion is the interface is better than the MOXF and sometimes effect visualizations and other screens are preferred (to me) on the Motif XF vs. the Montage/MODX. Just something to consider.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 23/10/2022 8:20 pm
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Thanks for the replies and speculations. I bought the MOXF8 in April 2020 and when I left the U.S. my intention was to take it with me. But it was acting up, was barely five months old, and I thought I'd better make sure it got some attention BEFORE I left for what might (and did) turn into a year or more outside of the U.S. The intermittent nature of the malfunction left the local technician stumped and when the Yamaha rep got involved and started questioning whether the unit was even eligible for warranty work(?) the clock ran out altogether and I had to fly out of the country on Oct 1st 2020. A few weeks later a friend picked it up and stored it at his house until just last week when I returned to the U.S. and picked it up.

The advice about maybe trading "laterally" to a used XF7 or XF8 has been suggested by others. Problem is, I really don't live in the U.S. anymore and moving musical instruments around is costly. So selling the MOXF8 (or storing it again for a while) may be the best solution

As for MOXF6's -- I now own FOUR of them. One is practically new (bought in 2020, also stored here in the U.S.) and the other three are in the Caribbean. Of those, two were sent to Mexico City for a refurb and general check-out and are pretty much like new. I miss weighted key action but I don't miss the weight.

Posted : 24/10/2022 6:06 am
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At this point, it's "new old stock" (NOS), if it's not identified as Used. (Assuming the seller is honest, of course.)

Once had a conversation with an independent Yamaha dealer on background. According to this chap, the largest on-line retailers/chains place bulk orders with Yamaha so that the product page almost always says "In Stock." When a new product (MODX) replaces an old product (MOXF), the large chains may be stuck with old stock and that old stock may sit in the warehouse for quite a while!

Nobody does "blow outs" anymore. The big chains seem content to let old stock sell through -- eventually. I miss the old "The List" sales at GC or warehouse sales at Daddy's. ๐Ÿ™ You could find some true bargains...

As to manufacturing MOXFs, forget it. I doubt if Yamaha even has enough old tone generators and proprietary processors to make MOXF boards. When they gone, they GONE! I've kept my old MOX as a souvenir and play MODX at gigs. No regrets. ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope this info is helpful -- pj

Posted : 24/10/2022 7:55 pm
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Paul, I'm curious to know what your experience has been switching from MOXF to MODX for live use. When I first looked at the MODX and did a little trial period with it, the first thing that struck me was that there was very little of my original MIXES and Songs were going to be convertible to the MODX. I understand there is now a sequencer program for the MODX, but I use my MOXF to play back my arrangements in MIDI and then I play over the top (and sing). And I've rarely had any problem using Song or Pattern in a live setting.

As I face the prospect of the MOXF line dying out, it seems like I have no choice but to simply record my Songs to WAV files and using the MODX as the "live" instrument. I find the use of a computer on stage to be distasteful and what I liked about the MOXF series was that I could do EVERYTHING within the synth and never bothered using Cubase or whatever. Some things were much hard this way, but when I play out, the presentation is very clean. I'm sitting at a keyboard with a mixer next to me that is running my mic as well a the two stereo channels from the MOXF. Two main speakers and little hotspot monitor and done. Any button pushing or cueing is done on the keyboard and there is no other PB device around and certainly no computer. And if something doesn't please me in the mix during the show, I can go straight home and re-mix, re-record, whatever and THAT becomes my working version.

Anyway, for someone working as I do, editing and composing and arranging within the synth AND then simply playing back those SONGS straight out of the MOXF during my live performing, I'm wondering how to transition to MODX. If the answer is that I'm basically playing along with audio files.

Posted : 15/03/2023 5:23 am
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New Member Guest

I'm wondering how to transition to MODX

It is more appropriate to create a new thread of your own when you have a question and the MODX forum is the best place for the one you ask.

the first thing that struck me was that there was very little of my original MIXES and Songs were going to be convertible to the MODX.

That depends on the details of your mixes. Songs (wav files) can be used as can midi data.

I understand there is now a sequencer program for the MODX, but I use my MOXF to play back my arrangements in MIDI and then I play over the top (and sing). And I've rarely had any problem using Song or Pattern in a live setting.

Correct - the new pattern sequencer is a powerful addition and you can grab phrases/measures from your MIDI data to create sections and scenes that can then be chained together to make up a whole song.

Bad Mister wrote an article covering a lot of the featues. Even though the title says Montage it all applies to the Modx as well.

As I face the prospect of the MOXF line dying out, it seems like I have no choice but to simply record my Songs to WAV files and using the MODX as the "live" instrument

You can certainly use that same method with the Modx but you will have more flexibility if you use MIDI files.

I suggest you move/repost your question to the Modx forum where there are several experts, including Bad Mister himself, that can point you in the right direction.

Posted : 15/03/2023 5:43 am

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