Hi, I just made a little editor for tbMIDIstuff for iOS/iPad that lets you select MIDI in and out channels via system exclusive.
Fantastic!! So I would be able to load this file in to the App? Never used this app before but it looks really useful.
Thanks for sharing!
Yes, you can load the file in the app, either via iTunes, or you can send it to yourself in an email and open it directly on iPad.
This page has been tested with camera connection kit direct USB connection. It uses system exclusive, so it won't work with Alesis IO Dock mark I, but shoud be fine with other MIDI interfaces like iRig MIDI. I anyone wants, I can make similar pages for Reface CS and YC.
That's fantastic. And count me as interested in the CS and YC as well. I have a thread here on how to do this via Sysex and MIDI-Ox, but there is something to be said for just plugging in your iPhone and going that rout. Really great work.
I also made an iPhone version.