I loved, loved, loved this article! More pictures please I got my start in music retail around1983- so I sold everything from the DX-7 all way thru Motif ES until I left the synth world to go into pro audio and commercial audio sales. Highlights for me were of course the DX-7IIFD, SY-77, EX-5R, FS1R, Motif, and without a doubt the VL1-m. I still own all of these synths. Back in the day, I even preferred the way the original DX-7 had some "dirt" (or aliasing) over the newer DX-7IIFD because I took advantage of that noise in some of the more esoteric patches I created. And then the CS80, oh my, I'll never forget playing with that beast as a kid in my local music store- imagine the store owner's shock when I showed him the hidden access panel or lid to all the sliders- he didn't know it was there (I'm sure his sales people knew it was there!). Yes, I'm old school and have to thank Yamaha for a great career in music technology
I have no idea why the post changed the words "old school" to old ****** LOL
s c h o o l
We need a newer FSR1 or perhaps a Reface FS