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60 hz hum

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Problem is I had 60 hz hum in my system when I got it all hooked up. I found that when I disconnected the usb host cable from my montage 8 the hum stopped. This is not good as that cable is my audio/midi connection to my laptop. What can I do to resolve this issue?

Posted : 24/11/2022 1:42 am
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Nevermind I discovered the real culprit was an HDMI cable from my laptop to my TV

Posted : 24/11/2022 1:47 am
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Further investigation revealed that the source of the hum is the coax cable to the cable box (my LG tv doubles as my computer monitor) so I will try a ground loop eliminator. Will update when I get it hooked up.

Posted : 26/11/2022 3:46 pm
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Well the cable to the cable box was indeed the problem. It seems that the TV cable is grounded to a different spot than everything else. If any of you have this issue with a setup like this try a cable tv ground loop isolator. I hooked it up and it worked like a charm...eliminating the noise.

This is the one I used. Noise eliminator

One word of warning however. When this is hooked up to my cable box it causes problems with the voice command functionality of my LG, just FYI if that is important to you.

Posted : 03/12/2022 1:26 am

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