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M8X - Category Search sets Category 'Main' selection when it was NOT selected by the user

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On the category search screen there are 'Category' and 'Attribute' tabs.

With the 'Category' tab selected there are checkboxes for 'Main' and 'Sub'.

1. leave both checkboxes unchecked.
2. select a performance and press enter
3. press the CATEGORY button on the front panel
4. notice that the 'Main' checkbox is now checked and the main category is now selected
that matches the category of the performance you had selected and loaded.

The consequence is that you search results will change if you filter by attribute but NOT by category and then select
a performance from the list to try

1. check the Attribute checkbox
2. select one or more attributes to filter by - e.g. 'Morph'
3. there will be a list of 32 performances
4. select a performance (e.g. 'Hydra Drone' and press enter
5. press the CATEGORY button on the front panel
6. the Category is now CHECKED and the Musical FX category is selected
7. 6. the list now shows only the 5 performances in the Musical FX category that use 'Morph'
because Hydra Drone is in the Musical FX category
8. the SUB category is NOT similarly affected like the Main category

Just pointing out an observation. Don't remember if the Modx worked the same way.

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:16 am
Posts: 8339
Illustrious Member

This was a source of debate for Montage(classic)/MODX. I don't think how category search on MM (Montage M) operates matches everyone's vision or wish.

Basically, the debate centered primarily about how the search should remember or forget what you had previously selected.

I do like that you can pick multiple attributes in a more flexible manner than before.

I think there's probably a case of a category button long press that does what half the people want (remembering where you last left off) while a quick press forgets. If long presses aren't already mapped to something. Before a long press would reset your bank to "All" (vs Preset, User, Library ...)

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 19/10/2023 12:59 am
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I think there's probably a case of a category button long press that does what half the people want

I haven't seen any difference between long and short presses

Posted : 19/10/2023 1:26 am
Posts: 8339
Illustrious Member

Docs for the M mention holding the [CATEGORY] button will set Bank/Favorite to All
(at bottom)

So that gesture is already spoken for.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 19/10/2023 3:50 am
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Docs for the M mention holding the [CATEGORY] button will set Bank/Favorite to All
(at bottom)

Did you notice that is in a section labeled 'Hold Button'?

There are only two 'hold' buttons on the front panel, both on the far left. One is Keyboard Hold and pressihg it has NO EFFECT on what the CATEGORY button does.

The other button labeld HOLD is used with SHIFT to bring up the ribbon display for defining up to 5 ribbon segments. Pressing that button has no effect either when used with CATEGORY.

So that doc section is, at best, misleading and at worst just plain wrong. Just FYI - but Quick Edit and A/D Input On/Off are mentioned in that 'Hold Button' table and neither of them seems to be affected by whether you are pressing one of the hold buttons or not. So I don't know just what that 'Hold Button' refers to.

Try to keep in my that I am ONLY reporting observations and the results of specific tests that I have done and can reproduce. I am not speaking towards what the docs say or how I think it should work.

Holding down the CATEGORY button DOES NOT do anything at all for the example I posted!

It will only set the Bank/Favorite to ALL if you are already on the category search screen when you press the button.

If, you are on the performance screen, as in my example, pressing and holding down the CATEGORY button brings up the category search display but does NOT set Bank/Favorite to All no matter how long you hold it down.

Once you are on the category search display you can let go of the button and press/hold it again and now it WILL set the Bank/Favorite to ALL because the search screen was the active screen when the button was pressed the second time.

Let me know if you still aren't clear on the test I conducted or the results I got.

Believe me, I've had to do some of these tests 2 and 3 times to make sure I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing.

The new UI does help quite a bit because when you go back to a screen it usually takes you back to the actual screen you were on and you don't have to navigate down a tree quite as much to get back there.

Posted : 19/10/2023 4:41 am
Posts: 8339
Illustrious Member

"Hold" here doesn't mean another button. It means a long press of the button documented.

Docs could be wrong - there are lots of other places I see bad cut/paste.

Current Yamaha Synthesizers: Montage Classic 7, Motif XF6, S90XS, MO6, EX5R

Posted : 19/10/2023 5:06 am

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