Last seen: Jun 21, 2024
Thanks again Bad Mister, For some reason I had been trying to do it in the voice editor and then I realised that I needed to be working in the perfor...
Thanks for your reply bad mister. Ii am amazed at how you manage to provide individual user support as well as do all the video presentations etc. t...
Thanks Bad Mister, I had hit the Part 2 button and since I couldn't here anything (I had no parts on Channel 2) I thought I could therefore not con...
Thanks Bad Sir I tried this, however this does not allow individual control of parts if I layer parts on the one midi channel - as I tend to do. ...
Hi There! Just following on from a response from the Bad Mister on 20 May 2016 in "Audio via USB discussion" When you say "STORE the program" - ...
Hi There! When you say "STORE the program" - are you talking about storing a perfromance or storing a voice? Or is the something else besides a u...
HI there, I set FC1 =04 [FootCtrl] FC2 =04 [FootCtrl] and then go to Voice Cntrl Set in the voice Edit . I go to Set 4 set source as FC2(04...
thanks man!
Is this the SLOW ROLL performance? (I have the MX61). Can you explain a little further what is happening? Dave
Hi Mr Bad, I have answered some of my own question already - I have seen that I can use the "receive switches" on the Midi page (in Vycro) to indiv...
Hi there Thanks for your replies so far. I have been using performances, however often in my band songs I might play a bass in the left hand thr...