Last seen: Jul 9, 2024
Thank you Jason and Phil for your detailed responses. I've read them but still digesting and will let you know if I have further questions. Again,...
Bad Mister, Thank you for the illustration above. It worked as expected! I am now seeing that the term "Common" has a separate meaning when appli...
Jason, maybe I can tell you what I am trying to accomplish and let you give me your thoughts. I am a bass player who would like to add synth sounds t...
Thanks Phil! I'll digest this and see if I have any more questions. Very grateful, Phil
Well, I don't want to close off this thread quite yet... Phil, regarding the merged Warm Backing Pad, you said: "If you study the "Warm Backing Pa...
Wow, I was able to follow your instructions and it worked! Thank you! Not only does this help me get off and running, it helps me understand the the...
Thank you so much for your responses. I was determined this morning to document each step so we could trouble-shoot easier, but to my surprise, the d...
Thank you so much for your detailed response! I understand the concept of the parameters being held in a buffer waiting for me to assign them. You ex...