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Joined: Feb 24, 2019
Topics: 6 / Replies: 10
Not able to record Arp Midi notes

Thanks Bill, I remember about that now when you listed the three options, if I remember correctly it says which one is which in the naming structure...

3 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 283
Not able to record Arp Midi notes

Thanks Andrew, I tried restarting all ready so that wasn't it. The pattern idea is a good work around but doesn't accomplish what i am trying to do w...

3 years ago
Smart Morph multiple point pattern?

Bad Mister please don't take my comment the wrong way. I am not trying to be pessimistic, but optimistic, about what this new function could be. I d...

5 years ago
Is it possible to have two separate audio ins from two external synths?

Great news, I can hold off on buying an interface until I get another Volca. Thanks

5 years ago
MODX Update Time

All loaded up here in California. I updated by doing the hold "up cursor" and "utility" buttons simultaneously while turning on the machine method, L...

5 years ago
Boosting Audio signal to Ableton 10

FYI for anyone else looking to boost the signal. Obviously Jason's answer seemed on the money but I thought I would just confirm that it did the tric...

5 years ago
Boosting Audio signal to Ableton 10

Thanks Jason. I will try this tonight after work. I am sure this will solve it.

5 years ago
Can you save arpeggio on/off for individual parts in scenes

FYI for anyone else that reads this thread. This post talk about muting arpeggios br /> This is the post from Jason i refer to in my followup qu...

6 years ago
Can you save arpeggio on/off for individual parts in scenes

Jason, I was just reading another arpeggio post by you, ( I learned how to turn on arp hold using shift, thanks for that) You mentioned how you c...

6 years ago
Can you save arpeggio on/off for individual parts in scenes

Thanks jason, I'm not 100% sure what you mean or how to do it but gives me something good to research, if you have a good link that would awesome,

6 years ago
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