Another Martin here, I have a lot of experience with offline conversion of Yamaha DX7 (and related) patches. Resulting in my free conversion tool D...
Yes, and you even have the choice. There is a function in the menu where you can switch the builtin speakers ON or OFF.
what is the nature of “error 500”
You can't know everything, but everyone can google
HTTP Error 500 - Internal Server Error
Q1: If I want to get the state of control "LFO ASSIGN", can I use PARAMETER REQUEST with following format [0xF0,0x43,0x30,0x7F,0x1C,0x03,0x30,0x00,0...
Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know anything about coremidi programming.
For example: To request the current voice parameter data from your Reface CS you need to use this SysEx request: [code type=markup] F0 43 2n 7F 1...
I can see your point.
If you haven't done that already you should download the datalist manual from here. You can send a sysex message (BULK REQUEST) to the CS, and it w...
Combining several soundengines in one keyboard is one thing, this is something that has been done before by Yamaha and other manufacturers. But the 4...
Are the numbers the same for rising (attack) and falling (decay) envelope stages? For many Yamaha synths there is a difference. How is this with the M...
A table in rounded milliseconds would be good enough for practical use. Your numbers suggest more accuracy than can ever be measured.
The overdone accuracy of these numbers is rather meaningless.
@Bad Mister, if I make a video of it will you start taking it seriously? @Bad Mister has the sometimes irritating habit to answer questions with a...
keryboards keyboards