Easiest solution: get 2 Reface YC keryboards :p
I haven't had the chance to try the Reface CP yet, and can't judge the quality of the hidden piano voice. But if I read Yamaha's delayed, but officia...
I'm not sure if your question is on-topic in the Reface section of this forum, except for the phrase move to a lighter controller. If you want MO8 s...
What’s a “uc-33”? Here is an old review: Sound on Sound jan.2004 And no, the DX27 is circa “last century” FM... That kind of real-time paramete...
Some guy did a modification that might interest you. It's almost what you are asking for, but requires switching the unit off/on to select the piano ...
I have sent a direct e-mail with a feature request to the developers of these Android apps. Let's see if and how they will respond.
Your question was already clear. Unfortunately the perfect SysEx IN+OUT app for Android doesn't exist or I don' t know it. What I currently do is: ...
Yes, on Windows MIDI-OX with the bulk request message Bad Mister gives is the way to go. Or use a similar, simpler, but non-free program like Bome Se...
In my opinion Option 1 would be rather useless given the price Option 2 would be more interesting, if usability is not limited to the Reface. It sh...
I am not giving info. I'm just guessing and giving my opinion as a (most of the time) happy Yahama Reface DX owner. If you have more reliable info...
Arn wrote: As I understand it, at the moment, the only way to send a voice from PC-based software to the reface DX is to manually push buttons on t...
Arn wrote: system exclusives to allow voices to be uploaded to it non-interactively from PC-based software. I'm not sure I understand what you ...
Thanks for sharing @Peter ! MIDI-OX is a good tool, used by many people, but it's not the only one. Here you can find more software that can be us...
Hi, you can find the sysex data by parsing the values that follow "data":{"sysex":[ after that you will find the sysex data in three { } blocks...
Take a look at this Youtube video: Yamaha TX7 - Battery Modding by Davide Solurghi (Morpheus2027) I agree with Bad Mister's suggestion to replace t...