I made some improvements to the notebook, and moved it to a new location (see link).References
I have gotten a lot of really good help and support from you, Jason, over the years, and I wish you all the best good fortune with whatever is going o...
Jason is correct. The way recent features have been implemented shows clear evidence of the software folks tacking on capabilities in kind of a Rube G...
This is why it would be good if Montage Connect could save and restore Patterns the way it can currently do for Performances. Maybe in X7P files, anal...
The thing is, I have two Parts that respond to motion sequences, and I want only one of them to be affected by the Common Amplitude knob. Part 1 ha...
Forget the past, for it is gone from your domain! Forget the future, for it is beyond your reach! Control the present!
— Swami Yogananda
From John Melas: Hello Michael,Does this mean that I should not change the Montage back to Single mode while the Performance Editor is open?Yes! ...
From John Melas: Yes this intentional. You cannot change the Performance of a Part unless the Montage is in Multi Mode!
When I launch the Performance Editor and then switch the Montage back to MIDI Single mode, the Performance Editor seems to keep working. That makes me...